How to read: biān guī
Example Sentences:
1. 这个小镇位于西北部的边陲地带,距离最近的城市有数百公里远。
This town is located in the border region of northwest China, hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest city.
2. 该国计划在边陲地区建设一条新的高速铁路,以促进经济发展。
The government of this country plans to build a new high-speed railway in the border region to promote economic development.
3. 这座城市位于两个的边陲,拥有独特的文化和历史遗迹。
This city is located on the border between two countries and has a unique culture and historical sites.
4. 边陲地带常受到外来文化的影响,但也保留着自己独特的风俗和传统。
Border regions are often influenced by foreign cultures, but they also retain their own unique customs and traditions.
5. 他是一位出生在边陲地区的作家,他的作品常常反映出这片土地的独特魅力。
He is a writer born in a border region, and his works often reflect the unique charm of this land.
Synonyms and Usage:
边远地区 (biān yuǎn dì qū) - remote area
边缘地带 (biān yuán dì dài) - border zone
前沿地带 (qián yán dì dài) - frontier zone
边疆 (biān jiāng) - borderland
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