
英语听力2024-04-23 13:11:02小编




"Migration to trees" refers to the phenomenon where animals choose trees as their habitat during migration. This usually occurs in migratory birds, butterflies and other animals, where they select different trees as their habitat based on seasonal changes and the distribution of food resources. "Migration to trees" can also refer to animals choosing trees as their nesting place during the breeding season.


迁于乔木 (qiān yú qiáo mù)



"Migration to trees" is commonly used as a noun phrase to describe animal behavior. It can be used to describe animals choosing trees as their habitat during migration or selecting trees as their nesting place during the breeding season. Additionally, it can also be used to describe a common behavior of animals in a certain region.


1. 每年冬天,成千上万的候鸟会迁于乔木,寻找温暖的栖息地。

Every winter, thousands of migratory birds will migrate to trees in search of warm habitats.

2. 蝴蝶在春季迁徙时会选择不同种类的花朵作为食物来源,这也促进了花朵的传粉。

Butterflies choose different types of flowers as food sources during their spring migration, which also promotes pollination of the flowers.

3. 迁于乔木是一种普遍的候鸟行为,它们会根据季节变化和食物资源的分布选择不同的树木作为栖息地。

Migration to trees is a common behavior among migratory birds, where they select different trees as their habitat based on seasonal changes and food resources.

4. 在动物园里,我们可以看到许多动物都有迁于乔木的行为,它们会选择园内最适合生活的树木作为栖息地。

In the zoo, we can observe many animals exhibiting migration to trees behavior, where they choose the most suitable trees in the park as their habitat.

5. 猫头鹰在繁殖季节也会迁于乔木,它们会选择高大的树木作为巢穴,以保护幼鸟的安全。

Owls also migrate to trees during the breeding season, where they choose tall trees as their nesting place to protect their offspring.


1. 迁移至树木 (qiān yí zhì shù mù):与迁于乔木意思相同,均指动物选择树木作为栖息地或巢穴。

2. 栖息于树上 (qī xī yú shù shàng):与迁于乔木意思相似,都指动物在树上生活。

3. 迁徙到林中 (qiān xǐ dào lín zhōng):也可以用来描述动物选择林中的树木作为栖息地或巢穴。

4. 栖居在枝叶间 (qī jū zài zhī yè jiān):与迁于乔木意思相近,都指动物在树枝和叶子之间生活。

1. Migrate to trees: has the same meaning as "migration to trees", both referring to animals choosing trees as their habitat or nesting place.

2. Perching on trees: similar in meaning to "migration to trees", both describing animals living on trees.

3. Migrate to forests: can also be used to describe animals choosing trees in the forest as their habitat or nesting place.

4. Nesting among branches and leaves: has a similar meaning to "migration to trees", both describing animals living among tree branches and leaves.


