
英语听力2024-04-23 14:06:12小编




The phrase "运筹帷幄" (yùn chóu wéi wò) refers to the use of wisdom and strategy to plan and control a situation in major decision-making or strategic planning. It comes from the ancient Chinese classic "The Analects of Confucius" and the original text is "运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外", which means to command the battle from behind and decide the outcome, and can be used to metaphorically describe one's wisdom and strategy in career or life.


yùn chóu wéi wò (yoon choh way woh)




1. 他在公司的发展方向上运筹帷幄,使得公司蒸蒸日上。

He used his wisdom and strategy to plan the development direction of the company, making it thrive.

2. 这位总裁在经营中总是能够运筹帷幄,避免了许多危机。

The CEO always uses his wisdom and strategy to avoid many crises in business.

3. 在这场竞选中,候选人们都在运筹帷幄,希望能赢得选民的支持。

In this election, all the candidates are using their wisdom and strategy to win the support of voters.

4. 他不仅有出色的领导能力,还擅长运筹帷幄,在困难时期也能决策明智。

He not only has excellent leadership skills, but also excels in using wisdom and strategy, making wise decisions even in difficult times.

5. 战争中,将们需要在前线指挥作战,而后方的统帅则要运筹帷幄,决定战局。

In war, generals need to command the battle on the front line, while the commander in chief in the rear needs to use wisdom and strategy to decide the outcome of the war.


1. 操控局势 (cāo kòng jú shì):manipulate/control the situation

2. 谋略智慧 (móu lüè zhì huì):wisdom and strategy

3. 战略规划 (zhàn lüè guī huà):strategic planning

4. 运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外 (yùn chóu wéi wò zhī zhōng, jué shèng qiān lǐ zhī wài):command the battle from behind and decide the outcome


