How to pronounce: Zào huà nòng rén, mìng yùn qū zhé
Example sentences:
1. 他原本以为自己会顺利通过考试,却没想到最后一道题却让他落榜了。这真是造化弄人,命运曲折啊。
He thought he would pass the exam smoothly, but the last question made him fail. It's really unpredictable and full of twists and turns.
2. 她经历了一段艰难的婚姻,最后却意外地找到了自己真正爱的人。这就是造化弄人,命运曲折啊。
She went through a difficult marriage, but eventually found the one she truly loves. Life is full of surprises and twists and turns.
3. 这部电影讲述了一个普通人经历了种种命运的挑战和变故,最终成为了一位成功的企业家。它真实地展现了造化弄人,命运曲折的道理。
This movie tells the story of an ordinary person who went through various challenges and twists of fate, and eventually became a successful entrepreneur. It truly reflects the unpredictability of life.
4. 在这个世界上,有些事情是我们无法的,我们只能顺应命运的安排。这就是造化弄人,命运曲折。
In this world, there are things that we cannot control, we can only follow the path that fate has arranged for us. This is the way of life with twists and turns.
5. 他经历了一段不幸的婚姻,但最后却这是上天给他的一次重新开始的机会。造化弄人,命运曲折啊。
He went through an unhappy marriage, but eventually realized that it was a chance for him to start over. Life is full of unexpected changes and twists of fate.
1. 命运多舛 (mìng yùn duō chuǎn)
2. 命途多舛 (mìng tú duō chuǎn)
3. 命途多艰 (mìng tú duō jiān)
4. 命运多变 (mìng yùn duō biàn)
5. 命运多难 (mìng yùn duō nán)
Usage of synonyms:
1. 这个人的命运多舛,他经历了许多挫折和困难。
This person's fate is full of twists and turns, he has gone through many setbacks and difficulties.
2. 她的命途多艰,但她从不放弃,最终取得了成功。
Her path has been difficult, but she never gives up and eventually achieves success.
3. 这个城市的命运多难,经历了许多自然灾害和战争。
The fate of this city is full of hardships, it has gone through many natural disasters and wars.
4. 人生的命运多变,我们永远无法预测未来会发生什么。
Life's fate is ever-changing, we can never predict what will happen in the future.
5. 命运多难的人们最终都会有所收获,只要他们坚持不懈。
Those who have a difficult fate will eventually reap rewards as long as they persevere.
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