
英语听力2024-04-23 17:45:02小编



How to pronounce: [huáng lùn qí tā de shì shén me yì si]

Usage: 这个短语通常用来强调某个事物的重要性或者突出它与其他事物的差异。

Example Sentences:

1. 他们家里有钱到遑论其他人。

They are so rich that they don't need to worry about others.

2. 这部电影的质量可谓是遑论其他同类型电影。

The quality of this movie is beyond comparison with other movies of the same genre.

3. 我们应该专注于解决当前问题,而不是花时间考虑遑论其他可能性。

We should focus on solving the current problem instead of wasting time thinking about other possibilities.

4. 这种新技术的成就远远超过了我们此前所见过的任何东西,遑论其他。

The achievements of this new technology far surpass anything we have seen before, let alone others.

5. 他们对待员工的关怀和尊重远远高于行业标准,遑论其他公司。

Their care and respect for employees far exceed industry standards, not to mention other companies.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 更不用说 (gèng bù yòng shuō) - not to mention

e.g. 这个项目的难度已经很高了,更不用说加上这些新的要求。The difficulty of this project is already high enough, not to mention adding these new requirements.

2. 更别提 (gèng bié tí) - let alone

e.g. 我连基本的法语都不会,更别提参加法语演讲比赛了。I don't even know basic French, let alone participating in a French speech competition.

3. 更甚至 (gèng shèn zhì) - even more

e.g. 这次的暴雨导致了洪水和山体滑坡,更甚至造成了人员伤亡。The heavy rain caused floods and landslides, and even more tragically, casualties.

Editor's Summary: 遑論其他的是什么意思是一个强调某事物重要性或差异性的短语,常用来表达对某事物的高度评价或强调其与其他事物的差异。在使用时需要注意语境,避免过于夸张或不恰当地使用该短语。
