
英语听力2024-04-23 18:12:04小编




To avoid the real and focus on the abstract means to avoid directly stating the truth or facing reality in speech or behavior, but instead using vague language, changing the subject, or being ambiguous to evade the issue. This approach is often used to avoid conflicts or unpleasant situations, and can also be used to conceal one's true thoughts or intentions.


/biː ˈʃɪl dʒəst vɜːs/



The term "avoiding the real" is usually used in a derogatory sense, indicating that someone deliberately avoids questions, shirks responsibilities, or conceals the truth. It can be used as an adjective to modify someone's speech or behavior, or as a verb phrase to indicate that someone responds, answers, or deals with a problem in this way.


1. 他总是避实就虚,从来不肯直面问题。

He always avoids the real and never faces the problem directly.

2. 她回避了我的提问,只是含糊其辞地说了几句。

She avoided my question and just gave some vague answers.

3. 这位政客擅长避实就虚,让人难以捉摸他的真实意图。

This politician is good at avoiding the real and makes it hard for people to figure out his true intentions.

4. 当记者追问他的丑闻时,他只是转移话题,避实就虚地谈论其他事情。

When reporters asked about his corruption scandal, he just changed the subject and talked about other things, avoiding the real issue.

5. 面对老板的质问,他选择了避实就虚,不敢直接回答。

Faced with his boss's questioning, he chose to avoid the real and didn't dare to answer directly.


1. 模棱两可(ambiguous):指言语或行为含糊不清、无法确定真正意图的状态。与避实就虚相似的是它们都可以用来回避问题或掩饰。

2. 含糊其辞(evasive):指故意回避、避免直接回答问题的说法。与避实就虚相比,含糊其辞更强调言语的模糊性和不明确性。

3. 回避(evade):指故意逃避或躲避问题、责任或困难。与避实就虚相比,回避更强调行为上的逃避。

4. 掩饰(conceal):指故意隐藏或隐瞒。与避实就虚相比,掩饰更强调对的掩盖。

5. 转移话题(change the subject):指在谈论中改变讨论的主题。与避实就虚相比,转移话题更强调改变焦点以逃避问题。


