
英语听力2024-04-23 20:33:03小编




Enzyme is a biological catalyst that can accelerate the rate of chemical reactions in living organisms. Enzymes are typically made up of proteins and possess high specificity and efficiency. They play crucial roles in various metabolic processes and biological functions within cells.


/en·zyme/ [en-zahym]



Enzymes primarily function as catalysts within living organisms, accelerating the rate of chemical reactions. They are involved in various metabolic processes within cells, such as digestion, respiration, and energy production. Enzymes can also be artificially synthesized in laboratories and are widely used in fields such as medicine, food, and agriculture.


1. The enzyme amylase breaks down starch into simple sugars.(淀粉酶将淀粉分解为简单的糖类。)

2. Without enzymes, many essential biochemical reactions in our bodies would occur too slowly to sustain life.(如果没有酶,我们身体中许多重要的生化反应将会发生得太慢,无法维持生命。)

3. Enzymes are highly specific and can only catalyze a particular reaction or type of molecule.(酶具有高度的专一性,只能催化特定的反应或分子类型。)

4. The enzyme lactase helps digest lactose, the sugar found in milk.(乳糖酶帮助消化牛奶中的乳糖。)

5. Scientists are constantly discovering new enzymes and their functions, expanding our understanding of biological processes.(科学家们不断新的酶及其功能,拓展了我们对生物过程的理解。)


1. Biocatalyst: a substance that speeds up a biological reaction without being consumed in the process.

2. Catalyst: a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without undergoing any permanent chemical change.

3. Enzymatic: relating to or produced by enzymes.

4. Ferment: a substance that causes fermentation, often used interchangeably with enzyme.

5. Proteinase: an enzyme that breaks down proteins into smaller peptides or amino acids.


