
英语听力2024-04-23 21:34:09小编




Wild Roses of the Heart (野蔷薇花集) is a collection of poems written by French poet Paul Verlaine, which includes both published and unpublished works. It was published in 1891 and is considered one of Verlaine's most representative and influential works. The collection revolves around the theme of wild roses, exploring themes such as love, death, and loneliness with a romantic touch.


野蔷薇花集的读音为 yě qiáng wēi huā jí (IPA: jɛ tʃiɑŋ wei xua tɕi)。



The Wild Roses of the Heart is often used as a reference for literary or artistic works, and can also be enjoyed as personal reading. It is also frequently used as a subject for literary studies, exploring Verlaine's poetic style and themes.


1. 野蔷薇花集中的诗歌充满了浪漫主义色彩。

The poems in Wild Roses of the Heart are full of romanticism.

2. 魏伦将野蔷薇花比作爱情,表达了对生命的热爱和追求。

Verlaine compares wild roses to love, expressing his love and pursuit of life.

3. 这本诗集被认为是浪漫主义运动的作之一。

This collection is considered one of the representative works of the Romantic movement.

4. 我在图书馆里偶然了野蔷薇花集,深深地被它的诗意所吸引。

I stumbled upon Wild Roses of the Heart in the library and was deeply drawn to its poetic beauty.

5. 阅读野蔷薇花集让我更加了解了魏伦这位诗人的内心世界。

Reading Wild Roses of the Heart has helped me understand more about the inner world of Verlaine as a poet.


野蔷薇花集的同义词可以是“Wild Roses of the Soul”(灵魂的野蔷薇花),也可以是“Wild Roses of the Mind”(心灵的野蔷薇花)。这些同义词都可以用来指代魏伦的诗集,强调了其浪漫主义和情感主题。

Synonyms for Wild Roses of the Heart can be "Wild Roses of the Soul" or "Wild Roses of the Mind". These synonyms can also refer to Verlaine's collection, emphasizing its romantic and emotional themes.


