
英语听力2024-04-23 22:52:05小编


Money is not everything (not the only important thing). Meaning (Chinese and English) Explanation


Mǒnɛ́i búshì yīqiè (búshì wéiyī zhòngyào de dōngxī)。De shì shénme yìsi (zhōng yīngwén) jiěshì




1. 他虽然很有钱,但是却没有真正的朋友。这再次证明金钱不是一切。

He may be wealthy, but he has no real friends. This once again proves that money is not everything.

2. 她拥有所有她想要的物质享受,但是却感到内心空虚。她意识到金钱不是唯一重要的东西。

She has all the material pleasures she wants, but still feels empty inside. She realizes that money is not the only important thing.

3. 我们不能忘记家庭、友情和健康,因为这些才是真正让我们幸福的东西,而不是金钱。

We must not forget about family, friendship, and health, because these are the things that truly bring us happiness, not money.

4. 他是一个成功的商人,但是却忽略了家庭。最终,他意识到金钱不是一切,家庭才是最重要的。

He was a successful businessman, but he neglected his family. In the end, he realized that money is not everything, family is the most important.

5. 孩子们不应该只关注金钱,而是应该学习如何做一个善良、有爱心的人。因为这些品质才是真正让我们成功的东西。

Children should not only focus on money, but also learn how to be kind and compassionate individuals. Because these qualities are what truly lead to success.


1. Money is not everything (not the only important thing). = Money cannot buy everything.

2. There are more important things in life than money.

3. Money isn't everything; it's just a means to an end.

4. The best things in life are free.

5. Wealth does not equal happiness.


