
英语听力2024-04-24 00:15:07小编



Iron sharpens iron means that through persistent and unremitting efforts, one can eventually achieve one's goal. This idiom originated from the ancient Chinese fable "Breaking the Cauldrons and Sinking the Boats", which tells the story of the Chu army general Xiang Yu smashing all the pots and spoons on the boat to inspire his soldiers, indicating that only victory can lead them back alive. In the end, the Chu army was motivated to fight with great strength and finally defeated the Qin army.

二:读音:/aɪən ʃɑːpənz aɪən/

Pronunciation: /aɪən ʃɑːpənz aɪən/


Usage: Used as an idiom, often used to metaphorically describe how people can achieve their goals through continuous efforts and perseverance.


1. 他一直在努力学习,终于铁杵磨成针,考上了名牌大学。

He has been working hard and finally achieved his goal of getting into a university.

2. 只要你不断地练习,铁杵磨成针的道理你一定会明白的。

As long as you keep practicing, you will eventually understand the principle of "iron sharpens iron".

3. 那个演员曾经是个小丑,但是他坚持不懈地练习,最终成为了一名优秀的演员。铁杵磨成针啊!

That actor used to be a clown, but he persevered and eventually became an excellent performer. Iron sharpens iron!

4. 我们要记住,只有通过不断的努力和坚持,才能让铁杵磨成针。

We must remember that only through continuous efforts and perseverance can we make the "iron sharpens iron" come true.

5. 虽然我们面临着困难和挑战,但是只要我们坚持不懈地努力,铁杵终将会磨成针。

Although we are facing difficulties and challenges, as long as we persist in our efforts, the "iron" will eventually be sharpened into a "needle".


1. 功夫不负有心人:形容通过不断的努力和坚持可以达到目标。

Hard work pays off: Describes how one can achieve their goals through continuous efforts and perseverance.

2. 坚持不懈:指持续不断地做某件事情,不放弃。

Perseverance: Refers to continuously doing something without giving up.

3. 不屈不挠:形容坚定不移地追求自己的目标,不被困难和挫折所打败。

Indomitable: Describes someone who is determined to pursue their goals and is not defeated by difficulties and setbacks.

4. 一往无前:形容毫无畏惧地向前进发,不被任何困难所阻挡。

Forge ahead: Describes moving forward fearlessly, not being sped by any difficulties.


