英文释义:To be innovative and constantly seeking new methods, ideas and solutions to improve existing products, services or processes, resulting in higher efficiency, better quality and user experience. It emphasizes actively seeking change and progress, constantly challenging traditional ideas and introducing new creativity and innovation.
ruì yì chuàng xīn [rjǔi ì tʃwāŋ ín]
1. Our company encourages employees to embrace a spirit of innovation and constantly come up with new ideas and solutions. (我们公司鼓励员工拥抱创新,不断提出新的想法和解决方案。)
2. The team's success is attributed to their willingness to think outside the box and their constant pursuit of innovative methods.(团队的成功归功于他们愿意打破常规思维,并不断追求创新方法。)
3. The company's culture of innovation has led to the development of groundbreaking products that have changed the industry.(公司的创新文化导致了开创性产品的发展,改变了行业格局。)
4. As an entrepreneur, it is important to have a mindset of constantly seeking improvement and being open to new ideas and approaches. (作为一名企业家,重要的是要保持一种不断寻求改进和对新想法和方法持开放态度的心态。)
5. The government has launched various policies and initiatives to promote a culture of innovation in the country, encouraging citizens to embrace change and strive for progress.(推出了各种和计划来促进的创新文化,鼓励公民拥抱变革,追求进步。)
1. 创新 (chuàng xīn):指引入全新的想法、方法或产品,以改变现有状况并带来更好结果。
2. 创造 (chuàng zào):指通过自己的想法和努力创造出新的事物或成果。
3. 革新 (gé xīn):指对旧有事物进行改革,使其焕发新生命力。
4. 改革 (gǎi gé):指对旧有制度、方法等进行改变,以达到更好的效果。
5. 性的 (gé mìng xìng de):指具有彻底改变现状的重大意义。