
英语听力2024-04-24 02:32:05小编




长辈:cháng bèi




1. 我们应该尊重长辈的意见。

We should respect the opinions of our elders.

2. 祖父母是我们最亲近的长辈。

Grandparents are our closest elders.

3. 在文化中,尊敬长辈被视为一种美德。

In Chinese culture, respecting elders is seen as a virtue.

4. 他们经历了更多,所以我们应该听取长辈们的建议。

They have more experience, so we should listen to the advice of our elders.

5. 社会上应该给予年龄大、有经验的人更多的尊重和敬意。

Society should give more respect and reverence to older and more experienced individuals.


1. 老人:指年纪较大的人,也可以用来尊称长辈。

2. 前辈:指在某个领域或行业具有更多经验和成就的人。

3. 长者:指年龄比自己大的人,也可以用来尊称长辈。

4. 长者们:复数形式,指年纪较大的一群人,也可以用来尊称长辈们。

5. 长者们的智慧和经验值得我们学习和尊重。

Elder: refers to a person who is older in age and higher in status, usually referring to parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and other elders in the family, or can also refer to experienced and knowledgeable individuals in society. In Chinese culture, respecting elders is a traditional virtue and a social moral norm.


Elder: /ˈeldər/


Used as a noun to refer to someone who is older and has a higher status in family or society.

Example Sentences:

1. We should respect the opinions of our elders.

2. Grandparents are our closest elders.

3. In Chinese culture, respecting elders is seen as a virtue.

4. They have more experience, so we should listen to the advice of our elders.

5. Society should give more respect and reverence to older and more experienced individuals.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Old people: refers to people who are old in age, can also be used as an honorific for elders.

2. Senior: refers to someone who has more experience and achievements in a certain field or industry.

3. Elderly: refers to people who are older than oneself, can also be used as an honorific for elders.

4. Elders: plural form, refers to a group of older people, can also be used as an honorific for elders.

5. The wisdom and experience of elders are worth learning from and respecting.

Editor's Summary:

