
英语听力2024-04-24 03:46:05小编




What does "阳炎" mean in Chinese and English:

Yangyan is a natural phenomenon that refers to the optical illusion caused by uneven air density in hot weather. It usually appears on flat ground, making distant objects appear as if they are refracted on the surface of water, showing a distorted, blurry and trembling effect.


阳炎 yáng yán

How to pronounce "阳炎":

yáng yán




Yangyan is usually used to describe the optical illusion that occurs in hot weather, or can be used as a metaphor for things that are distorted, blurry and trembling due to external influences. It can also be used as a noun or verb.


1. 高温天气下,远处的建筑物被阳炎所影响,看起来扭曲不清晰。

In hot weather, the distant buildings are distorted and unclear due to yangyan.

2. 大雾和阳炎使得驾驶变得十分困难。

The thick fog and yangyan make driving very difficult.

3. 这幅画中的阳炎效果让人感觉仿佛置身于夏日的高温中。

The yangyan effect in this painting makes people feel like they are in the heat of summer.

4. 在沙漠中行走时,经常会看到阳炎,使得远处的景色显得扭曲不真实。

When walking in the desert, you often see yangyan, which makes the distant scenery appear distorted and unreal.

5. 他眼睛发红,似乎受到了某种阳炎般的影响。

His eyes turned red, as if affected by some kind of yangyan.


1. 大气折射(atmospheric refraction):指光线在大气中传播时受到空气密度变化而产生折射现象。与阳炎类似,都是由于空气密度不均匀而产生的光学现象。

2. 光学幻象(optical illusion):指由于光线在传播过程中受到折射、反射等影响而产生的视觉错觉。阳炎也是一种光学幻象,但它是由于高温天气下的大气折射而产生的。

3. 扭曲(distort):指物体或图像因为外界因素而变形、失真。阳炎也可以用来形容事物受到外界影响而呈现出扭曲的状态。

Synonyms and usage:

1. Atmospheric refraction: refers to the phenomenon of light refraction caused by changes in air density during its propagation in the atmosphere. Similar to yangyan, both are optical phenomena caused by uneven air density.

2. Optical illusion: refers to visual illusions caused by refraction, reflection, etc. during the propagation of light. Yangyan is also an optical illusion, but it is caused by atmospheric refraction in hot weather.

3. Distort: refers to the deformation or distortion of objects or images due to external factors. Yangyan can also be used to describe things that are distorted due to external influences.


