
英语听力2024-04-24 04:37:05小编



Land transportation or travel, which means not through water or air. Land can refer to human walking, riding bicycles, motorcycles and other ways, can also refer to cars, trains and other means of transportation on land. In the military field, land can also refer to infantry operations or armored units' mobile operations.


陆路的音标为/lù lù/。


"陆" is a Chinese character that means land or ground. "路" means road or way. Therefore, "陆路" literally means land road or land way. It is usually used as an adjective to describe transportation or travel that takes place on land.


1. 我们只能通过陆路前往那个偏远的村庄。

We can only reach that remote village by land.

2. 由于海上风浪太大,船只无法出港,我们只能选择陆路旅行。

Due to rough sea conditions, the ships cannot depart from the port, so we have to travel by land.

3. 这条公路是连接两座城市最重要的陆路交通线。

This highway is the most important land transportation link between the two cities.

4. 在这个偏远的地区,陆路交通非常不便,居民们主要靠步行或骑自行车出行。

In this remote area, land transportation is very inconvenient, and residents mainly rely on walking or riding bicycles for travel.

5. 陆路运输的成本比水路运输高,但速度比空运快。

The cost of land transportation is higher than water transportation, but faster than air transportation.


1. 陆地 (lù dì): land, ground

2. 地面 (dì miàn): ground, surface

3. 大陆 (dà lù): continent, mainland

4. 陆上 (lù shàng): on land

5. 公路 (gōng lù): highway, road


