
英语听力2024-04-24 04:40:05小编




What does "Longdong" mean (Chinese-English) explanation

Longdong refers to a region in the eastern part of Shaanxi Province, China. It can also refer to the northern part of Shaanxi and areas north of the Yellow River. The term originated from an ancient administrative region called "Long", while "dong" indicates its location in the eastern part of Shaanxi Province. In modern times, Longdong generally refers to the northern part of Shaanxi and areas north of the Yellow River, sometimes including Gansu Province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.


“陇东”的拼音为lǒng dōng。

How to read (phonetic transcription)

"Longdong" is pronounced as lǒng dōng.




As a place name, it is commonly used to describe the eastern part of Shaanxi Province, China. It can also be used to indicate the culture, history, or other characteristics of this region.


1. 陇东是一个历史悠久的地区,拥有丰富的文化遗产。

Longdong is a region with a long history and rich cultural heritage.

2. 陇东地区的气候十分干燥,冬季寒冷,夏季炎热。

The climate in Longdong is very dry, with cold winters and hot summers.

3. 这座城市位于陇东地区的中心,是该地区的、经济和文化中心。

This city is located in the center of Longdong and serves as the political, economic, and cultural center of the region.

4. 陇东地区以其美丽的自然风光和悠久的历史而闻名,吸引了许多游客前来观光。

Longdong is known for its beautiful natural scenery and long history, attracting many tourists to visit.

5. 在陇东生活了几十年后,我深深爱上了这片土地和这里的人们。

After living in Longdong for decades, I have fallen in love with this land and its people.


1. 陕北(Shaanbei):指陕西省北部地区。与“陇东”相比,更偏向于指代陕北地区。

2. 北陕(Beishan):指陕西省北部地区。与“陇东”相比,更偏向于指代黄河以北的地区。

3. 陇西(Longxi):指甘肃省的一部分地区,与“陇东”相比,更偏向于指代甘肃省的地区。

4. 黄河以北(North of the Yellow River):指黄河以北的地区。与“陇东”相比,更加广泛,包括了甘肃省和宁夏区。

5. 陕南(Shaannan):指陕西省南部地区。与“陇东”相比,更偏向于指代陕南地区。

Synonyms and usage

1. Shaanbei: refers to the northern part of Shaanxi Province, China. Compared to "Longdong", it tends to refer more specifically to the Shaanbei region.

2. Beishan: refers to the northern part of Shaanxi Province, China. Compared to "Longdong", it tends to refer more specifically to areas north of the Yellow River.

3. Longxi: refers to a part of Gansu Province, China. Compared to "Longdong", it tends to refer more specifically to areas in Gansu Province.

4. North of the Yellow River: refers to areas north of the Yellow River in China. Compared to "Longdong", it is a broader term that includes Gansu Province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

5. Shaannan: refers to the southern part of Shaanxi Province, China. Compared to "Longdong", it tends to refer more specifically to the Shannan region.


