
英语听力2024-04-24 06:37:11小编




Female Fox refers to the female gender of fox, also known as vixen. They usually have soft fur and flexible bodies, and are a typical carnivorous animal. In most cases, females are smaller than males, but they possess the same intelligence and agility.


[fiməl fɑːks]



The term "female fox" is commonly used to refer to the category of female foxes. It can be used as a subject, object or attributive in a sentence, and is often collocated with phrases such as "vixen mother" and "female red panda".


1. The female fox is taking care of her cubs in the den. (雌狐狸正在巢穴里照顾她的幼崽。)

2. The female fox is smaller in size compared to the male. (雌狐狸体型比雄性小。)

3. The vixen's keen sense of smell helps her find food for her family. (雌性狐狸敏锐的嗅觉帮助她为家人寻找食物。)

4. The female red panda is known for its beautiful reddish-brown fur. (雌性红毛丹以其美丽的红棕色毛发而闻名。)

5. The vixen fiercely protects her territory from other animals. (雌性狐狸会激烈地保护自己的领地免受其他动物的侵扰。)


1. Vixen: 同样指雌性的狐狸,也可以用来形容女性具有勇气和决心。

The vixen fiercely protected her young from danger.

2. Vixen mother: 母亲或母亲般的女性,特别指对自己孩子非常关爱和保护的母亲。

She is a loving mother, a real vixen when it comes to protecting her children.

3. Vixenly: 形容女人有吸引力、性感或狡猾。

She walked with a vixenly sway that caught everyone's attention.

4. Vixenish: 形容女人具有狡诈和凶恶的特质。

Her vixenish behavior often caused trouble for those around her.

5. Vixenishness: 名词,指女性具有狡诈和凶恶的特质。

Her vixenishness often got her into trouble.


