
英语听力2024-04-24 08:27:02小编



霞石(xiá shí),又称为紫晶石,是一种常见的宝石级别的矿物,属于硅酸盐类。它的颜色多为粉红色或紫色,具有美丽的晶体结构和高度折射率,因此在珠宝和装饰品工业中广泛使用。它也被认为具有保护和平衡能量的功效,在古代被用作护身符。

Xia Shi (also known as Amethyst) is a common gemstone mineral that belongs to the silicate class. It is usually pink or purple in color, with a beautiful crystal structure and high refractive index, making it widely used in the jewelry and decorative industries. It is also believed to have protective and balancing energies and was used as a talisman in ancient times.


霞石(xiá shí)



Amethyst can be cut into various shapes of jewelry or used to make decorations and ornaments. In addition to its beautiful appearance, it is also believed to have protective and balancing energies, so it is often worn or placed at home as a feng shui ornament. Moreover, Amethyst is also the birthstone for Scorpio and Pisces, believed to bring good luck and calmness.


1. 她佩戴着一枚镶嵌着霞石的戒指,十分漂亮。

She wore a beautiful ring with an Amethyst setting.

2. 这块紫色的霞石是我最喜欢的宝石之一。

This purple Amethyst is one of my favorite gemstones.

3. 霞石被认为具有平衡身心的功效,所以我每天都会佩戴它。

Amethyst is believed to have the ability to balance mind and body, so I wear it every day.

4. 我在家里放了几块霞石作为风水摆件,希望能带来好运。

I placed some Amethysts at home as feng shui ornaments, hoping to bring good luck.

5. 天蝎座和双鱼座的人都非常适合佩戴霞石作为守护石。

Scorpios and Pisces are both suitable to wear Amethyst as their birthstone.



In addition to Amethyst, there are other Chinese names for this gemstone, such as purple crystal and purple fluorite. In English, it is also known as amethyst, which comes from the Greek word "amethustos" meaning "not intoxicated". Apart from being used as a gemstone and decoration, it is also used in crystal healing and energy balancing.


