
英语听力2024-04-24 08:51:03小编



青龙(Qinglong)[qīng lóng]


1. 青龙是传统文化中四象之一,东方和春季。

The Qinglong is one of the four symbols in traditional Chinese culture, representing the east and spring.

2. 在古代传说中,青龙是一种具有神圣力量和智慧的神兽。

In ancient Chinese legends, the Qinglong is a divine creature with sacred powers and wisdom.

3. 青龙还被用来比喻正义和权力。

Qinglong is also used as a metaphor for justice and power.

4. 青龙在古代建筑中常常作为装饰图案出现。

The image of Qinglong often appears as a decorative pattern in ancient Chinese architecture.

5. “执法如山青龙”是指执法严格不阿,就像山一样不动摇。

"Enforcing the law like the Qinglong" means enforcing the law strictly and resolutely, just like a mountain that never wavers.


1. 青龙还有一个常见的同义词是“青龙在天”或“青龙朝阳”,它们都指代东方和春季。

Another common synonym for Qinglong is "Qinglong in the sky" or "Qinglong facing the sun," both of which refer to the east and spring.

2. “龙”也是青龙的同义词,它们都着权力和神圣。

"Dragon" is also a synonym for Qinglong, as they both represent power and divinity.

3. 在古代,青龙也被称为“腾蛇”,意为飞跃和上升。这也可以作为青龙的同义词来使用。

In ancient China, Qinglong was also known as "soaring serpent," meaning flying and rising. This can also be used as a synonym for Qinglong.


