Leader refers to the person who leads and guides members in group activities, and is responsible for coordinating and arranging activities. It usually refers to the person who holds a leadership position in a team or organization, and is responsible for making decisions and carrying out tasks.
Leader is commonly used in team, organization or group activities, referring to people with leadership skills and sense of responsibility. They are usually responsible for developing plans, assigning tasks, coordinating relationships between members, and handling unexpected events. In workplace, leader can also refer to the person in charge of a department or project.
1. 我们需要一位能够带领我们完成任务的领队。
We need a leader who can guide us to complete the task.
2. 他是我们团队的领队,负责决策和指导我们的工作。
He is the leader of our team, responsible for making decisions and guiding our work.
3. 领队在紧急情况下能够冷静应对,带领我们顺利完成了任务。
The leader remained calm in the emergency and led us to complete the task successfully.
4. 领队提出了一个创新的想法,让我们团队取得了巨大的成功。
The leader came up with an innovative idea, which led to great success for our team.
5. 她是这次旅行的领队,为我们安排了一系列精彩的活动。
She is the leader of this trip, organizing a series of exciting activities for us.
1. 队长(captain):指带领运动队或进行比赛或作战的人。也可以用来指代某个团体或组织中具有最高职位和权力的人。
2. 组长(team leader):指在小组内具有领导地位、负责协调成员之间关系、安排任务和监督工作进展的人。
3. 主管(supervisor):通常指某个部门或项目中具有管理职责、监督下属工作并向上级汇报情况的人。
4. 负责人(person in charge):指某个项目、活动或中具有最高责任和管理权力的人。
5. (leader):泛指具有领导能力和影响力的人,可以用来指代、商业、社会等领域中的人物。