
英语听力2024-04-24 12:16:05小编




Wind and crane are alarmed, and all things are armed means that the sound of wind blowing through the trees is like the sound of cranes, and it is a sign of war. All things are armed means that in a tense situation, people tend to panic and lose their composure easily. This idiom describes people being overly sensitive and nervous during a crisis, to the point where they perceive every little movement as an enemy attack.


[fēng shēng hè lì, cǎo mù jiē bīng]



This idiom can be used to describe people being overly sensitive and losing their composure in the face of a crisis or tense situation. It can also be used to describe a tense situation or an impending war.


1. 风声鹤唳,草木皆,人们都开始恐慌,以为战争即将爆发。

The sound of wind and crane alarmed, and all things armed, people began to panic, thinking that war was about to break out.

2. 者已经感受到了风声鹤唳,草木皆的气氛,开始加强防范措施。

The authorities have already felt the atmosphere of wind and crane being alarmed, and all things being armed, and have begun to strengthen precautionary measures.

3. 在这种风声鹤唳,草木皆的情况下,我们必须保持冷静,不要被恐慌所左右。

In this atmosphere of wind and crane being alarmed, and all things being armed, we must remain calm and not be swayed by panic.

4. 他们一听到风声鹤唳,就立刻撤退了。他们被草木皆的心理状态所影响。

As soon as they heard the sound of wind and crane being alarmed, they immediately retreated. They were influenced by the mentality of all things being armed.

5. 这个已经处在风声鹤唳的状态下,但是人民仍然保持着冷静和勇气。

This country is already in a state of wind and crane being alarmed, but the people still maintain their calmness and courage.


1. 风声鹤唳,草木皆 - 形容人们在危机时刻过于敏感和紧张。

2. 人人自危 - 指每个人都担心自己的安全。

3. 瞻前顾后 - 指在做事情时总是担心可能出现的问题。

4. 谨小慎微 - 指做事情时非常小心谨慎,不敢有丝毫疏忽。

5. 杯弓蛇影 - 指因为过于紧张和恐惧而产生的错觉。

1. Wind and crane are alarmed, and all things are armed – Describes people being overly sensitive and nervous during a crisis.

2. Everyone is worried about their own safety.

3. Looking back and forth – Describes always worrying about potential problems when doing something.

4. Being extremely cautious – Describes being very careful and not daring to make any mistakes when doing something.

5. Seeing things that aren't really there – Describes illusions caused by being overly nervous and fearful.


