
英语听力2024-04-24 12:25:04小编




The meaning of "风" (fēng) in Chinese and English:

Wind refers to the movement of air caused by differences in air pressure. It can be felt, but it is invisible and intangible. In nature, wind is a common natural phenomenon that has a significant impact on living beings and the environment on Earth.


风 (fēng)

How to pronounce "风" (fēng):


1. 风可以用来形容大气运动,如“刮风”、“起风”、“阵风”等。

2. 风也可以用来比喻力量、影响或趋势,如“风向”、“时尚潮流”、“经济形势”等。

Usage of "风" (fēng):

1. Wind can be used to describe atmospheric movement, such as "blowing wind", "starting wind", "gusts of wind", etc.

2. Wind can also be used metaphorically to describe power, influence, or trends, such as "political climate", "fashion trend", "economic situation", etc.


1. 春风吹拂着大地,万物复苏。(Chūn fēng chuī fú zhe dà dì, wàn wù fù sū.)

The spring breeze blows over the land, and all things come to life again.

2. 这个地区常年受到强风的影响,建筑物都要加固。(Zhè gè dì qū cháng nián shòu dào qiáng fēng de yǐng xiǎng, jiàn zhù wù dōu yào jiā gù.)

This area is often affected by strong winds, so buildings need to be reinforced.

3. 随着互联网的发展,信息传播的速度变得像风一样快。(Suí zhe hù lián wǎng de fā zhǎn, xìn xī chuán bō de sù dù biàn dé xiàng fēng yí yàng kuài.)

With the development of the Internet, the speed of information dissemination has become as fast as the wind.

4. 这部电影引起了巨大的轰动,成为了一股全球性的风潮。(Zhè bù diàn yǐng yǐn qǐ le jù dà de hōng dòng, chéng wéi le yí gǔ quán qiú xìng de fēng cháo.)

This movie caused a huge sensation and became a global trend.

5. 他一直都是风中的旗子,随波逐流,没有自己的主见。(Tā yī zhí dōu shì fēng zhōng de qí zi, suí bō zhú liú, méi yǒu zì jǐ de zhǔ jiàn.)

He has always been a flag in the wind, going with the flow and having no mind of his own.


1. 风力 (fēng lì):指风的强弱程度。

2. 气流 (qì liú):指空气在空间中运动的流动。

3. 气息 (qì xī):指微弱的风或气流。

4. 飓风 (jù fēng):指热带海洋上形成的巨大气旋性暴风雨。

5. 台风 (tái fēng):指发生在太平洋和印度洋地区的热带气旋。

Synonyms and usage:

1. 风力 (fēng lì): refers to the strength of the wind.

2. 气流 (qì liú): refers to the movement of air in space.

3. 气息 (qì xī): refers to a weak wind or airflow.

4. 飓风 (jù fēng): refers to a huge tropical cyclone storm formed over the ocean.

5. 台风 (tái fēng): refers to tropical cyclones occurring in the Pacific and Indian Ocean regions.


