
英语听力2024-04-24 13:21:03小编




Flying general is a term used to describe a military commander with extraordinary abilities and outstanding tactics on the battlefield. This term originated from the ancient Chinese classic "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", describing the bravery and strategic thinking of generals such as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. It can also be used to describe individuals with exceptional abilities and outstanding performance in other fields.


fēi jiàng shù qí,读音为 [feɪ dʒiːŋ ʃuː tʃiː]。



“Flying general” is usually used to describe individuals with extraordinary abilities and outstanding performance, especially on the battlefield. It can also be used to praise someone's exceptional performance in a certain field.


1. 他在比赛中的表现真是飞将数奇,让所有人都刮目相看。

His performance in the game was truly that of a flying general, leaving everyone in awe.

2. 这位CEO被誉为商界的飞将数奇,他带领公司在短时间内取得了巨大成功。

This CEO is known as a flying general in the business world, leading the company to great success in a short period of time.

3. 她是一位真正的飞将数奇,她的演讲能够打动每一个听众。

She is a true flying general, her speeches have the power to move every audience member.

4. 在这场战役中,他展现出了真正的飞将数奇的气质,成功地击败了敌。

In this battle, he showed his true qualities as a flying general and successfully defeated the enemy.

5. 这部电影讲述了一位飞将数奇如何带领取得战争胜利的故事。

This movie tells the story of how a flying general led his army to victory in war.


1. 雄才大略(xíong cái dà lüè):指具有非凡才华和出色智谋的人物。可以用来形容各种领域中的杰出人物。

Extraordinary talent and outstanding intelligence. Can be used to describe outstanding individuals in various fields.

2. 神勇无敌(shén yǒng wú dí):形容在战场上无敌的。通常用来赞美某人的勇气和战斗力。

Invincible hero on the battlefield. Usually used to praise someone's courage and fighting ability.

3. 天下无双(tiān xià wú shuāng):指在某一领域中独一无二、无与伦比的人物。也可以用来形容某人在某方面表现出色。

Unrivaled in a certain field, unparalleled individual. It can also be used to describe someone's outstanding performance in a certain aspect.


