
英语听力2024-04-24 14:00:09小编



英文解释:To eat without any consideration or discrimination due to extreme hunger, accepting any kind of food without hesitation. This phrase is often used to describe someone who is very hungry, or someone who has no preferences when it comes to food and will eat anything as long as it fills their stomach.

二:读音(音标):jī bù zé shí (jí bù zé shí)



1. 她已经好几天没吃东西了,现在是饥不择食的状态。

She hasn't eaten anything for days, now she's in a state of eating anything out of hunger.

2. 在那个贫穷的村子里,人们每天都是饥不择食地生活。

In that poor village, people live each day eating whatever they can find.

3. 他饥不择食地吃了一大块蛋糕,结果吃坏了肚子。

He ate a big piece of cake without any hesitation, and ended up with a stomachache.

4. 这个公司为了赚钱,饥不择食地采取各种手段,甚至违反法律。

This company is willing to do anything to make money, even if it means breaking the law.

5. 在竞争激烈的市场上,企业必须饥不择食地寻找新的机会和发展方向。

In the highly competitive market, companies must be willing to seize any opportunity and explore new directions without hesitation.


1. 饿虎扑食 (è hǔ pū shí):形容一个人非常饿,像老虎一样猛烈地吃东西。

2. 不挑食 (bù tiāo shí):指一个人对食物没有特别的要求,什么都能接受。

3. 不讲究 (bù jiǎng jiù):指一个人在选择伙食时没有任何要求,只要能填饱肚子就行。

4. 不拘小节 (bù jū xiǎo jié):指一个人在做事时没有太多顾忌或原则。

5. 不择手段 (bù zé shǒu duàn):指一个人为了达到目的不顾手段,不择手段地做事。


