
英语听力2024-04-24 19:30:20小编



英文解释:The meaning of Pleuronectidae is a family of fish belonging to the Pleuronectidae family, also known as flatfish. This is a type of marine fish with a flattened body, lying on its side, and both eyes on the same side. They mainly inhabit shallow coastal waters and are one of the important economic fish.




1. 鲆科中有许多种类的比目鱼,它们在海洋生态中起着重要作用。

There are many species of flatfish in the Pleuronectidae family, which play an important role in marine ecosystems.

2. 鲆科鱼类具有双眼同侧和身体扁平等特征,使它们能够更好地躲藏在沙滩或海底的沙石中。

The flatfish in the Pleuronectidae family have the characteristics of eyes on the same side and a flattened body, which enables them to hide better in the sand or rocks on the beach or seabed.

3. 鲆科鱼类通常被用作食物,其肉质鲜美,受到人们的喜爱。

Flatfish in the Pleuronectidae family are often used as food due to their delicious meat, which is loved by people.

4. 这种鲆科鱼类的特殊外形使它们在捕食时具有很强的隐蔽性,能够更容易地抓住猎物。

The unique appearance of this flatfish in the Pleuronectidae family gives them a strong camouflage ability when hunting, making it easier for them to catch prey.

5. 鲆科鱼类在生长过程中会发生体侧转变,即从原本双眼都在一侧转变为只有一只眼睛在上方。这种转变使它们能够更好地适应海洋环境。

Flatfish in the Pleuronectidae family undergo lateral asymmetry during growth, which means they change from having both eyes on one side to having only one eye on . This adaptation allows them to better survive in marine environments.


