
英语听力2024-04-24 20:08:02小编




What does 鸠 mean (Chinese and English interpretation):

鸠 (jiū) is a type of bird that belongs to the pigeon family. It is small in size, with an average length of 30 centimeters, and its feathers are mostly gray-brown or gray-white. 鸠 has a gentle temperament and is good at flying. It can be found in various parts of the world.


鸠的拼音为jiū,音标为 /dʒiːʊ/。

How to pronounce (phonetic):

The pinyin for 鸠 is jiū, with the phonetic transcription of /dʒiːʊ/.


1. 名词:指一种属于鸽科的小型鸟类。

2. 动词:指两个人或物在争夺同一样东西时不相上下。

3. 形容词:形容某人或事物温和、平静。


1. Noun: refers to a small bird belonging to the pigeon family.

2. Verb: refers to two people or things being evenly matched in competition for something.

3. Adjective: describes someone or something as gentle and calm.


1. 这种鸠的羽毛颜色非常美丽。

The feathers of this type of 鸠 are very beautiful.

2. 他们俩在比赛中鸠得不分上下。

They were evenly matched in the competition.

3. 她的性格温和如鸠。

Her personality is as gentle as a 鸠.

4. 这个地区常见的鸟类有鹰、老鹰和鸠等。

Common birds in this area include eagles, hawks, and 鸠.

5. 那只小鸟像一只小鸽子,但比普通的鸽子更小,可能是一只小型的鸠。

The little bird looked like a small pigeon, but it was smaller than a regular pigeon, possibly a small 鸠.


1. 鸽子 (gē zi):也属于鸽科,与鸠相似,但体型更大。

2. 麻雀 (má què):也属于雀科,体型较小,羽毛多为褐色或灰色。

3. 小白脚 (xiǎo bái jiǎo):也称为斑颊斑背白脚长尾山雀,属于雀科,体型较小,羽毛多为灰褐色。

Synonyms and usage:

1. Pigeon (gē zi): also belongs to the pigeon family, similar to 鸠 but larger in size.

2. Sparrow (má què): also belongs to the sparrow family, smaller in size with feathers mostly in shades of brown or gray.

3. White Wagtail (xiǎo bái jiǎo): also known as the White-cheeked Hill Tit, belongs to the tit family, small in size with feathers mostly in gray-brown color.


