
英语听力2024-04-24 20:19:40小编




Dog in the manger is a Chinese idiom that refers to people secretly engaging in improper or immoral behavior when no one is watching. This phrase originated from an ancient Chinese fable called "The Dog and the Rooster," which tells the story of a mouse who sneaked into its owner's house and ate his food while he was away, only to be caught and reported by a dog. Therefore, this phrase is also commonly used to describe those who are timid and afraid to express their thoughts or take action directly.


/dɔg ɪn ðə ˈmeɪndʒər/



This phrase is often used to criticize those who act in an underhanded or dishonest manner and lack integrity and courage. It can be used to describe someone's behavior or to describe a shady activity or event.


1. 他们在公司里鸡鸣狗盗,最后被并被开除了。

They were engaging in dog in the manger behavior at the company, and eventually got caught and fired.

2. 这个政客总是鸡鸣狗盗,从来不敢当面直接表达自己的想法。

This politician is always acting like a dog in the manger, never daring to express his thoughts directly.

3. 那位老板经常利用员工的加班时间来做私人生意,真是太鸡鸣狗盗了。

The boss often uses his employees' overtime hours to conduct personal business, which is really despicable.

4. 我们不能让这些鸡鸣狗盗的人继续占据领导地位,否则公司将会陷入更大的危机之中。

We cannot let these dog in the manger people continue to hold leadership positions, otherwise the company will fall into even greater crisis.

5. 那些参与这次诈骗案件的人都是些鸡鸣狗盗的小人,最终都受到了法律的。

Those involved in this fraud case are all despicable dog in the manger villains who have been punished by the law in the end.


1. 鬼鬼祟祟(sneaky):形容人做事时行动轻盈,像鬼魅一样悄悄地进行。

Sneaky: Describes someone who moves lightly and quietly like a g when doing something.

2. 胆小怕事(timid):形容人缺乏勇气和自信,害怕冒险或挑战。

Timid: Describes someone who lacks courage and confidence, afraid of taking risks or challenges.

3. 不光明正大(underhanded):指做事不光明正大,缺乏诚信和道德标准。

Underhanded: Refers to actions that are not open and honest, lacking integrity and moral standards.

4. 缺乏诚信(dishonest):形容人缺乏诚实和正直,经常欺骗他人。

Dishonest: Describes someone who lacks honesty and integrity, often deceiving others.

5. 不道德(immoral):指行为违背道德准则,不符合社会公认的价值观。

Immoral: Refers to actions that violate moral principles and do not conform to socially accepted values.


