
英语听力2024-04-24 20:59:03小编




The meaning of "鸿案鹿车" in Chinese and English:

"鸿案鹿车" refers to a situation or event that has caused significant problems or disputes, leading to other related matters being affected or involved. This term is often used to describe a small problem that triggers a series of larger issues, similar to the phrase "a snowball effect".


鸿案鹿车 (hóng àn lù chē)




This term is often used to describe a small problem that triggers a series of larger issues, similar to the phrase "a snowball effect". It can be used to describe various situations, including political, social, and economic aspects.


1. 那场小型活动最终演变成了一场鸿案鹿车,导致整个城市陷入混乱。

That small protest eventually turned into a 鸿案鹿车, causing chaos in the entire city.

2. 这次的错误决定引发了一系列的鸿案鹿车,公司的形象也受到了严重影响。

This wrong decision triggered a series of 鸿案鹿车, and the company's image was also severely affected.

3. 他们原本只是想帮助一个朋友,结果却引发了一场鸿案鹿车。

They were only trying to help a friend, but it ended up causing a 鸿案鹿车.

4. 的不作为导致了这次变成了一场鸿案鹿车,让民众非常愤怒。

The government's inaction turned this incident into a 鸿案鹿车, making the people very angry.

5. 这讼引发的鸿案鹿车已经持续了数年,还没有找到一个解决方案。

The 鸿案鹿车 caused by this lawsuit has been going on for years and no solution has been found yet.


1. 倾盆大雨:形容大量的事情或问题同时出现,类似于“倾盆而下”的意思。

2. 火上浇油:指在一个本就混乱的局势中,又出现了更加严重的问题,加剧了局势的恶化。

3. 雪上加霜:指一个困难或问题叠加另一个困难或问题,使情况变得更糟糕。

4. 一发不可收拾:形容一个小问题引发了一系列的大问题,类似于“鸿案鹿车”的意思。

5. 蝴蝶效应:指一个微小的变化可能会导致一个巨大的影响,类似于“鸿案鹿车”的意思。

Synonyms and usage:

1. 倾盆大雨 (qīng pén dà yǔ): used to describe a large number of things or problems happening at the same time, similar to the phrase "pouring down".

2. 火上浇油 (huǒ shàng jiāo yóu): refers to a more serious problem arising in an already chaotic situation, exacerbating the situation.

3. 雪上加霜 (xuě shàng jiā shuāng): describes one difficulty or problem being added to another, making the situation worse.

4. 一发不可收拾 (yī fā bù kě shōu sī): describes a small problem triggering a series of larger issues, similar to the meaning of "鸿案鹿车".

5. 蝴蝶效应 (hú dié xiào yìng): refers to a tiny change that could have a huge impact, similar to the meaning of "鸿案鹿车".


