
英语听力2024-04-24 21:15:12小编




Tí (tí) is a type of water bird, belonging to the family Ardeidae. They are mainly found in Asia, Africa, and Australia. They have a slender body with an S-shaped head and neck, and their feathers are usually white or grey. They are skilled fishers and use their long necks to catch prey while swimming in the water.



The pronunciation of tí is /tí/, with the letter "t" pronounced as a clear consonant /t/, and "í" pronounced as /i/.



Tí is usually used as a noun, functioning as the subject or object in a sentence. It can also be used to describe someone or something with a slender appearance like that of a tí.


1. The tí gracefully glided across the water, searching for its next meal.(鹈优雅地滑过水面,寻找下一顿的食物。)

2. The tí's long neck allows it to reach deep into the water to catch fish.(鹈长长的脖子使它能够深入水中捕鱼。)

3. The young boy was fascinated by the tí's elegant movements as it fished in the lake.(小男孩被鹈在湖中捕鱼时优雅的动作所吸引。)

4. The tí is known for its beautiful white feathers and long, slender legs.(鹈以其美丽的白色羽毛和修长的腿而闻名。)

5. The artist used the símbol of a tí to represent grace and elegance in his painting.(艺术家在他的画作中用一只鹈来优雅和高贵。)


1. 鹭鸶 (lù sī) - 这是一个更加正式的名称,也是指同一种水鸟。

2. 苍鹭 (cāng lù) - 这是另外一种属于鹭科的水鸟,与鹈相似但体型稍大。

3. 水獭 (shuǐ tǎ) - 这个名字来自于它们善于捕鱼的能力,也可以用来指代鹈。

4. 鸬鹚 (lú cí) - 这是一种与鹈相似的水鸟,但是它们的颈部更加粗短。

5. 水鹭 (shuǐ lù) - 这是另外一种属于鹭科的水鸟,也有着修长的身材和长脖子。

1. Egret (lù sī) - This is a more formal term and also refers to the same type of water bird.

2. Heron (cāng lù) - This is another type of water bird belonging to the family Ardeidae, similar to tí but slightly larger in size.

3. Cormorant (shuǐ tǎ) - This name comes from their skill in fishing and can also be used to refer to tí.

4. Anhinga (lú cí) - This is a similar water bird to tí, but with a thicker and shorter neck.

5. Water heron (shuǐ lù) - This is another type of water bird belonging to the family Ardeidae, also with a slender body and long neck.


