
英语听力2024-04-24 21:33:03小编




What does 鹤发鸡皮 mean (in Chinese and English):

"鹤发鸡皮" means the phenomenon of getting goosebumps on the skin due to fear, surprise, or other reasons. This term is used to describe a person's physical reaction, or to describe a scene or object that causes unease or fear.


"鹤发鸡皮"的中文读音为"hè fā jī pí",英文读音为/hə fɑː dʒi pɪ/.

How to pronounce:

The Chinese pronunciation of "鹤发鸡皮" is "hè fā jī pí", and the English pronunciation is /hə fɑː dʒi pɪ/.




"鹤发鸡皮" is usually used as an adjective phrase to describe the unease or fear caused by a person or thing. It can also be used as a verb to describe the phenomenon of getting goosebumps due to fear.


1. 每次看到恐怖电影,我都会鹤发鸡皮。

Every time I watch a horror movie, I get goosebumps.

2. 她听到那个故事后,整个人都起了鹤发鸡皮。

After hearing that story, she got goosebumps all over her body.

3. 我们走进那座废弃的庙宇,一股寒意让我起了鹤发鸡皮。

As we entered the abandoned temple, a chill ran through me and I got goosebumps.

4. 当她看到那只大蜘蛛时,她不由自主地起了鹤发鸡皮。

When she saw the big spider, she couldn't help but get goosebumps.

5. 这部恐怖小说真是太吓人了,读完后我全身都起了鹤发鸡皮。

This horror novel is so scary, after reading it I got goosebumps all over my body.


1. 鸡皮疙瘩 (jī pí gē da):指皮肤因为寒冷、害怕等原因而起的小颗粒,与“鹤发鸡皮”意思相同,但更常用于中文。

Synonym: 鸡皮疙瘩 (jī pí gē da) - small bumps on the skin caused by cold or fear, has the same meaning as "鹤发鸡皮", but is more commonly used in Chinese.

2. 发毛 (fā máo):指因为害怕或惊讶而身体出现起毛的现象,与“鹤发鸡皮”意思相似。

Synonym: 发毛 (fā máo) - the phenomenon of getting hair on the body due to fear or surprise, similar to the meaning of "鹤发鸡皮".

3. 惊悚 (jīng sǒng):形容令人感到恐惧、不安的事物或场景,可以用来形容引起“鹤发鸡皮”的事物。

Synonym: 惊悚 (jīng sǒng) - describes something or a scene that makes people feel scared and uneasy, can be used to describe something that causes "鹤发鸡皮".


