
英语听力2024-04-24 21:40:15小编



In the struggle between the snipe and the clam, the fisherman benefits means that when two strong opponents fight each other, a third party can benefit from it. The meaning of this idiom is to warn people not to let their personal interests lead to eventual losses.


鹬(yù) bèng(bèng) xiāng(xiāng) zhēng(zhēng), yú(yú) wēng(wēng) dé(dé) lì(lì)




1. 两家公司之间的竞争越来越激烈,但是第三家公司却因此获得了更多的市场份额。这就是鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利的典型例子。

The competition between the two companies has become increasingly fierce, but the third company has gained more market share as a result. This is a typical example of "in the struggle between the snipe and the clam, the fisherman benefits".

2. 在这场斗争中,两个政党互相攻击,最终导致选民的失望。而第三党却因此获得了更多的支持。这正是鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利的一个例子。

In this political struggle, the two parties attacked each other, resulting in disappointment from voters. However, a third party gained more support as a result. This is an example of "in the struggle between the snipe and the clam, the fisherman benefits".

3. 他们两个人在为一件事情而争吵不休,最后却忘记了原本的目的。结果,第三个人抢先完成了这件事情。这就是鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利的典型情况。

They were arguing over something and forgot their original purpose. As a result, a third person completed it first. This is a typical situation of "in the struggle between the snipe and the clam, the fisherman benefits".

4. 这两个之间的贸易战持续了很长时间,最终导致双方都遭受巨大损失。然而,第三方却因此获得了更多的经济利益。这是鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利的一个例子。

The trade war between these two countries lasted for a long time and ultimately caused huge losses for both sides. However, a third country gained more economic benefits as a result. This is an example of "in the struggle between the snipe and the clam, the fisherman benefits".

5. 在这场比赛中,两支球队打得难解难分,最终由一个小队员的精彩表现帮助他们获得了胜利。这就是鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利的一个典型案例。

In this game, the two teams were evenly matched and it was ultimately a brilliant performance from a young player that helped them win. This is a typical case of "in the struggle between the snipe and the clam, the fisherman benefits".


1. 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利:指两个强势对手相互争斗,第三方从中受益。

2. 鹬蚌相持,渔翁得利:与“鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利”意思相同。

3. 以卵击石:比喻力量悬殊的斗争结果注定不平等。

4. 鱼人自为:指自私自利而导致最终受损失。

5. 一败涂地:形容完全失败或被彻底击败。


