
英语听力2024-04-24 22:29:18小编



Yellow dream is a metaphor for unreal dreams or fantasies, which can also refer to unrealistic and idealistic desires. In traditional Chinese culture, yellow dream is also used to describe the pursuit of worldly desires or fame and fortune.

二:怎么读(音标):[huáng liáng měi mèng]

Three: 用法:黄粱美梦通常作为形容词短语使用,用来形容不切实际的梦想或幻想。也可以作为名词使用,表示虚幻的愿望或追求。

Usage: Yellow dream is commonly used as an adjective phrase to describe unrealistic dreams or fantasies. It can also be used as a noun to refer to unreal desires or pursuits.


1. 她一直沉浸在自己的黄粱美梦中,从来没有意识到现实的残酷。

She has been indulging in her yellow dream and never realized the harsh reality.

2. 他们被金钱和权力所迷惑,沉溺于自己的黄粱美梦。

They were blinded by money and power, indulging in their yellow dream.

3. 不要被那些虚幻的黄粱美梦所迷惑,努力追求真正的幸福。

Don't be fooled by those unreal yellow dreams, strive for true happiness.

4. 年轻人总是有着许多黄粱美梦,等到他们长大了,才会明白现实的残酷。

Young people always have many yellow dreams, it's not until they grow up that they realize the harsh reality.

5. 这个需要的不是空洞的黄粱美梦,而是实实在在的行动来改变现状。

What this country needs is not empty yellow dreams, but real actions to change the current situation.


Synonyms and usage: Unrealistic dreams, unrealistic fantasies, empty desires.

