
英语听力2024-04-24 22:54:05小编



Black clouds over the city, the city is about to collapse means that when a storm is coming, dark clouds cover the whole city, bringing great fear and danger to people. This phrase can also be used to describe a powerful force that is about to come and bring devastating blows to people.

二:怎么读(音标):hēi yún yā chéng chéng yù cuī (hēi yún yā chéng chéng yù cuī)


This phrase is usually used to describe extremely bad weather or an impending catastrophic event. It can also be used as a metaphor for a powerful force that is about to come and have a huge impact on people.


1. 当黑云压城城欲摧时,我们应该做好防范措施。

When black clouds over the city, we should take precautions.

2. 暴风雨来临,黑云压城城欲摧,人们纷纷躲避在屋内。

As the storm approached, black clouds over the city, people took shelter in their houses.

3. 这场比赛中,我们的对手实力强大,黑云压城城欲摧。

In this game, our opponents are strong and powerful, like dark clouds over the city.

4. 他的病情一天比一天严重,就像是黑云压城城欲摧。

His condition is getting worse day by day, like dark clouds over the city.

5. 当经济危机来临时,黑云压城城欲摧,我们必须团结一心共度难关。

When an economic crisis strikes, like dark clouds over the city, we must unite and overcome it together.


Synonyms and usage: Similar words include "storm approaching", "storm is coming", "crisis looming", etc. These words can all be used to describe an impending catastrophic event or a powerful force that is about to come.

