
英语听力2024-04-24 23:31:04小编



英文解释:When someone or a team reaches the limit in a certain field or task and can no longer make any progress or improvement, it is called "黔驴技穷" in Chinese. This idiom originated from an ancient Chinese fable about a skinny donkey who was sent to the market but couldn't carry any goods due to its weak body. Later on, this idiom was used to describe a person or team who has reached their limit and can no longer perform better.

二:怎么读(音标):qian2 lu:2 ji4 qiong2



1. 他已经连续工作了十天,现在已经黔驴技穷了,需要休息一下。

He has been working for ten days straight, and now he has reached his limit and needs a break.

2. 这支球队虽然实力强劲,但是在决赛中遇到了黔驴技穷的时候,最终败北了。

Although this team is strong, they encountered their limit in the finals and ended up losing.

3. 我们的团队已经黔驴技穷了,需要寻求新的灵感和方法来解决问题。

Our team has reached its limit and we need to seek new inspiration and methods to solve the problem.

4. 这部电影导演的黔驴技穷让观众感受不到新鲜感,所以票房不佳。

The director's lack of new ideas in this movie made the audience feel bored, resulting in poor box office performance.

5. 他曾经是一位优秀的运动员,但是现在已经黔驴技穷无法再有更好的表现。

He used to be an excellent athlete, but now he has reached his limit and can no longer perform better.


1. 疲于奔命:形容一个人或者团队因为长期努力而精疲力尽,无法再继续下去。

2. 穷途末路:指一个人或者团队已经没有任何希望或者出路,处于绝境之中。

3. 山穷水尽:比喻到达极限,无法再有进展或者改变。

4. 已经无能为力:表示一个人或者团队已经尽力而为,但是无法再做出更好的表现或者成绩。

