
留学政策2024-03-22 01:52出国留学咨询网


一盘小菜(Xiǎo cai yī die) is a popular Chiese phrase ha meas \\\"a easy ask\\\"。The phrase is ofe used describe somehig ha issimple or efforless like compleig ask or achieviga goal. I's a commo expressio I everyday coversaio ad is ofe heard I boh formal adiformal seigs。

Origi of he phrase

\" The origi of he phrase \\\" ca be raced back o acie Chia. Durig he Sog Dyasy (960-1279 AD),i wascommo for people o ea heir meals i small dishes,wih each dish coaiig a differe ype of food. Thephrase“快出手”was used o describe a small dish of food,which was cosidered o be a easy ad simpleaddiio o a meal。

Usage i moder imes

I moder imes . he phrase“轻松”is used o describe ayhig ha is cosidered o be easy or simple. I's ofeused o describe asks orachievemes ha are relaively sraighforward or require miimal effor. Forexample,if someoe complees a ask quickly ad easily hey migh say \\“这个工作对我来说是早膳\\”(zhe ge rewu dui wǒ shuō xiǎo cai yī die)which meas \\\"his ask was jus a piece of cake for me\\\"。


