operating cost中文翻译,operating cost是什么意思,operating cost发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-19 19:27小编

 operating cost中文翻译,operating cost是什么意思,operating cost发音、用法及例句

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operating cost中文意思翻译




operating cost双语使用场景

1、Quantitively analyses the effect the ratio of peak to off - peak electricity rates the operating cost.───定量分析了谷峰电价比对系统运行电费的影响.

2、The operating cost is greatly reduced at the same time of increasing the output of powder.───在提高煤粉台时产量的同时,大幅度地降低运行成本.

3、Refer to the actual operating cost incurred by Oil Department in 2004, which cannot be withdrawn.───系公司油品销售部2004年实际发生的经营费用, 无法收回.

4、The process was characterized by steady operation, resistance to shock loading, and low operating cost.───该工艺具有运行稳定 、 耐冲击负荷 、 运行成本低的特点.

5、The feasible scheme is attaining economic scale, adopting advanced technology and reducing operating cost.───最终选择了“达到经济规模 、 采用先进技术、降低经营成本”的可行性方案.

6、Container fees from North Asia have dropped $ 200, taking them below operating cost.───来自北亚的集装箱运费下挫200美元, 处于亏本运营.

7、The measures used in the ranking include economic strength, infrastructure, operating cost, and human resources.───排名使用的主要指标包括经济实力 、 础设施 、 作费用, 以及人力资源.

8、Online transactions lower our operating cost.───在线交易降低了运营成本。

9、Do a good job operating cost management and improving efficient use of funds.───搞好办学成本管理,提高经费使用效益.

10、Take initiatives on business performance improvements and operating cost reduction.───主动寻求利润提高及成本降低方案并采取措施.

11、This proper use of this system could increase the management efficiency of the hotel, decrease operating cost.───该系统的合理运用能提高酒店客房管理效率,降低运营成本。

12、All the changes are good from a stability perspective but add billions to the fixed operating cost of a bank.───从稳定性的角度来看,银行除了需要增加大量固定运营费用外,所有变化都是有益的。

13、What's more , it can make full use of evening electricity to save operating cost of heating.───此外可以充分利用夜间廉价电采暖节省用户采暖费用.

14、Since 2006, some securities have implemented Agent order execution system to lower operating cost.───2006年起即有证券商建置营业员下单系统,以节省人力成本支出.

15、Finally , It'suggests to use UEDC index instead of present operating cost index.───建议采用利用当量蒸馏能力操作费(UEDC)指标取代目前的操作费指标.

16、Moreover, this syttem also haslow operating cost , convinent operation, small occupied area, and low resistance.───同时, 运行费用低廉操作方便, 占地面积小, 设备阻力小.

17、Furthermore , the ice - storage technology can reduce the operating cost of air - conditioning systems.───蓄冰空调可降低系统的年运行费用.

18、URT is a big project with high building and operating cost and long financial period.───城市轨道交通是一项建设和运营成本高、财务周期长的巨型工程.

operating cost相似词语短语

1、operating rooms───n.[外科]手术室

2、operating costs───生产费用,营业成本

3、operation code───[计]操作码;[计]运算码

4、operating cash───营运现金

5、operating income───[贸易]营业收益,[贸易]营业收入

6、operating room───n.[外科]手术室

7、operating profit───[会计]营业利润;营业收益

8、operating system───[计]操作系统

9、operating cycle───营业循环,[经管]经营周期


运营成本(Operation costs 或者 Operating expenses),是指会计学、成本学上的名词,它内容包括“行政开支”、分行租金、广告支出、利息支出、固定资产的折旧等。

