break it down中文翻译,break it down是什么意思,break it down发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-19 22:01小编

 break it down中文翻译,break it down是什么意思,break it down发音、用法及例句

break it down发音

英:  美:

break it down中文意思翻译



break it down双语使用场景

1、Would you mind if I break it down for you?───如果您不介意的话,我可以一笔一笔地给您算一下.

2、If it is a large goal, break it down into smaller parts and set sub - deadlines.───如果目标较大, 可以将目标和期限分解.

3、Then break it down even more.───然后再将其分解的更细。

4、The ability to take information and break it down into usable facts is ery important.───具有获取信息并能把它们转变成可用事实的能力是很重要的.

5、Let me break it down.───让我为您分项计算.

6、This time the solution is to break it down.───这时解决的办法是击败它。

7、A. We can break it down into physicians and patients.───答. 我们可以将答案分为对医生和对患者的.

8、Wait a minute . Please break it down for me.───请等一下,请为我分开逐项计算.

9、The oil is attacked by naturally occurring microbes which break it down.───原油受到了自然产生的分解油类物质的微生物的侵蚀。

10、I was commended on my ability to take information and break it down into usable facts.───我具有获取信息并能把它们转变成可用事实的能力,这一点受到了人们的称赞.

11、Let me break it down for fifty yuan for food, 36 yuan for drinks.───把它分开算:菜50元, 酒水36元.

12、The task won't feel so overwhelming if you break it down into small, easy-to-accomplish steps.───如果你把这个任务分解成一个个容易完成的小步骤,就不会觉得那么难以应对。

break it down相似词语短语

1、;eak in upon───打扰;闯入

2、beat down───打倒;杀价;大雨倾盆而下;强烈地照射下来

3、;eaks down───分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服

4、;eak in on───v.打断;打扰

5、;eaking down───打碎;损坏;分解开;把钻杆立根卸成单根


7、;eak downs───分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服

8、;eak down───分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服

9、;eak it up───散开;停止谈天;别打架了

break it和break it down有什么不同?

break it侧重于突破某件事情,break it down侧重于打破某个规则等如: Well break it down 我们将打破它,多了一个down表示破坏或者打破程度更大
