academic achievement中文翻译,academic achievement是什么意思,academic achievement发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-19 22:01小编

 academic achievement中文翻译,academic achievement是什么意思,academic achievement发音、用法及例句

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academic achievement中文意思翻译



academic achievement双语使用场景

1、It would be silly to credit me with some academic achievement.───认为我会取得些许学术成就,这种想法真的是很愚蠢.

2、Honors : a special recognition for unusual academic achievement a program of a university level.───荣誉学士学位: 属于特殊学位,是对大学优秀学生所取得成绩的特别认可.

3、Schools award scholarships for high academic achievement.───学校向学业成绩优异者授予奖学金。

4、The test was to assess aptitude rather than academic achievement.───该测试将评估能力而不是学业成绩。

5、In such a case, the difference in life chances reflects no difference at all in academic achievement.───在这样的条件下,人生机遇上的差异同学业成就上的差异不会有任何的不同。

6、It was the main goal orientation of mastery - approach and avoid and performance - avoid in academic achievement goal.───学业成就目标中掌握接近和掌握回避,表现回避三种目标取向都是中学生主流倾向.

7、The attitudes toward science the argumentativeness, the argumentation ability and the physics academic achievement were normalized.───学生[对论证的态度]、[对科学的态度]和[论证能力]得分均呈现常态分布.

8、High mastery - low performance goal orientation leaded to the best academic achievement.───高掌握目标 --- 低表现目标取向导致最佳学业成绩.

9、People with low levels of academic achievement are more likely to suffer with poor health.───那些在学术方面表现平平的人更容易出现身体健康问题.

10、It is widely accepted by students, parents and employers as the measure of academic achievement.───它被学生、家长和企业雇主们广泛接受作为衡量学业成就的标准。

11、Mr. Wang is always happy about his academic achievement.───王先生对他学术上的成就感到高兴.

academic achievement相似词语短语

1、record of achievement───业绩记录


3、lifetime achievements───终身成就

4、lifetime achievement───终身成就

5、greatest achievement───最大的成就

6、great achievement───伟大成就;丰功伟绩

7、academic attainment───学力


1. School History

Founded in 1978, Mianyang Normal University is a key university in the Sichuan province and a leading higher education institution. The university was originally founded as Mianyang Teachers' College and was upgraded to Mianyang Normal University in 2002. With a rich history and tradition, the university has developed into a diverse and inclusive institution with a strong focus on high-quality teaching and research.

2. School Culture

Mianyang Normal University adheres to the办学理念:"Integrity, Solidarity,diligence, Efficiency", promoting a culture of honesty and hard work among its students and staff. The university strives to create a positive, open, and inclusive environment, encouraging students to pursue excellence and innovation.

3. School Facilities

Mianyang Normal University has well-equipped facilities that support students in their academic and personal development. The university has modern classrooms, state-of-the-art laboratories, libraries, sports facilities, and more. The university also has advanced teaching and research equipment, providing students with access to the latest resources and technology.

4. School Teachers

Mianyang Normal University has a highly qualified and experienced teaching faculty. The university招贤纳士,recruiting teachers and researchers from around the world. The teaching staff has a strong commitment to high-quality teaching and is dedicated to providing students with a rigorous and engaging learning experience.

5. School Honors

Mianyang Normal University has achieved significant achievements in teaching and research. The university has获得多项国家级和省级教学成果奖,and has been recognized for its outstanding contributions to education and research. The university's teaching quality and research achievements are widely recognized in the education community and among students and alumni.

6. School Prospect

Mianyang Normal University has a bright future. The university is committed to becoming a leading international higher education institution, with a focus on innovation, collaboration, and excellence. The university will continue to strengthen its teaching and research capabilities, improve its academic reputation, and expand its global partnerships.

7. School Admission

Mianyang Normal University welcomes students from all over the world to apply for admission. The university has a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, attracting students interested in various fields of study. The university's admission process is based on academic achievement, entrance exam results, and other criteria, and students are selected based on their overall potential for success at the university.

8. School Graduation

Mianyang Normal University's graduates are highly regarded in the job market. The university's graduates have a high employment rate and are sought after by top companies and organizations. The university provides students with practical experience and career development opportunities, preparing them for successful careers in various fields.
