lash out中文翻译,lash out是什么意思,lash out发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-19 22:15小编

 lash out中文翻译,lash out是什么意思,lash out发音、用法及例句

lash out发音

英:  美:

lash out中文意思翻译


猛打; 猛击; 大手笔地花钱; 大量给予(某物)

lash out双语使用场景

1、Then you lash out your tongue and catch it.───然后你才伸出你的舌头把它抓住.

2、Lash Out deals 3 damage to target creature.───猛击对目标生物造成3点伤害.

3、They could lash out.───他们可以猛烈抨击。

4、Martin wanted to lash out physically at the two in front of them, but restrained himself.───马丁真想把面前这两个家伙着实揍一顿, 但还是克制住自己.

5、This is no time to lash out on a new stereo.───现在不是奢侈花钱买新立体音响的时候.

6、The more the reactionaries lash out, the more resistance they provoke.───反动派越是横行霸道, 就越发激起更强烈的反抗.

7、Can we afford to lash out on an air - conditioner ?───我们能拿出一笔可观的钱买 空调器 吗 ?

8、If not, it will lash out at you and kill you.───不然的话, 移植的骨髓就会向你发起进攻,置你于死地.

9、Authority figures might lash out at you with criticism, indignation or accusations.───权威人士也许会批评你 、 怒斥你或者责备你.

10、Some blame others, lash out and damage themselves further.───有些人却归咎于别人,对自己造成更深的冲击与毁灭。

11、In his writing online, especially on Twitter, Assange is quick to lash out at perceived enemies.───在他的网上作品里, 特别在Twitter上, 阿桑格对于他所认定的敌人毫不留情.

12、Let's lash out and have champagne.───咱们挥霍一下,喝香槟吧.

13、When this happens you might lash out.───当这一切发生的时候,你可能会大肆宣泄。

14、They become overly sensitive to relationships with others and can lash out emotionally.───他们会变得对人际关系变得过于敏感,而且可能会情绪化的发飙.

15、He would suddenly lash out at other children.───他会突然殴打别的孩子.

16、We can never succeed if we just let ourselves go, and lash out at him.───这个工作决不是痛快一时, 乱打一顿,所能奏效的.

lash out相似词语短语

1、last out───持续;经受住;支持下去

2、splash out───随意花钱

3、bash out───痛打

4、lashed out───猛击;猛烈抨击;大肆挥霍

5、wash out───淘汰;洗净;破产

6、hash out───消除,经过长时间讨论解决一个问题

7、blast out───爆破

8、lashes out───猛击;猛烈抨击;大肆挥霍

9、cash out───现金支出





