credit to中文翻译,credit to是什么意思,credit to发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-20 09:06小编

 credit to中文翻译,credit to是什么意思,credit to发音、用法及例句

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credit to中文意思翻译




credit to双语使用场景

1、Do you give credit to what the man said?───你相信那人讲的话 吗 ?

2、He is one of the greatest British players of recent times and is a credit to his profession.───他是近代英国最伟大的运动员之一,是这一体育运动的骄傲。

3、The sportsmen are determined to be a credit to their country.───运动员们决心为国增光.

4、We are determined to bring credit to our country by filling this gap in our industry.───我们一定要争一口气,把祖国工业上这项空白填补上.

5、The group can't get credit to buy farming machinery.───这些人无法赊购到农用机械。

6、It is difficult to channel low - interest credit to lowincome groups.───为 低收入 阶层开办低息贷款是困难的.

7、She extremely deprecates bank's credit to the enterprises.───她极力反对银行贷款给那些企业。

8、The book did credit to the writer.───这本书给作者带来了声誉.

9、bank refused further credit to the company.───银行拒绝再给那家公司提供贷款。

10、His good performance in school does great credit to his mother.───他在学校的优良表现为他母亲带来极大的荣誉.

11、She brought several persons of good credit to witness to her reputation.───她带来几位很有声誉的人物为她的名誉作证.

12、He is one of the greatest players of recent times and is a credit to his profession.───他是近年来最棒的选手之一,是为他的职业增光的人。

13、Can I get a credit to buy something in another department?───我能得到一张在其它店买东西的信用卡 吗 ?

14、Retailers have tried almost everything, from cheap credit to free flights, to entice shoppers through their doors.───从低价信贷到免费航班,零售商们几乎用尽一切办法说服购物者惠顾。

15、Such a student is a credit to his class.───这样的学生是全班的光荣.

16、The bank refused further credit to the pottery.───银行拒绝再向这家陶器厂贷款.

17、Her hard work redounds to her credit / to the honour of the school.───她工作努力从而提高了自己的声誉[为学校增添了荣誉].

18、His success brings credit to his family.───他的成功使全家增光.

credit to相似词语短语

1、credit memo───付款通知(等于creditmemorandum)

2、credit note───n.货项凭单,退货凭证(可用于换取等值商品);信用凭证


4、credit hours───学时;学分数;学分时

5、credit entry───[金融]贷方分录

6、credit hour───n.学分

7、do credit to───为…带来光荣,为…争光;提高…的身价



1. Give credit to:给予某人荣誉或承认,表示对某人的成就表示敬意。

2. Credit for:因为某个成就或贡献而获得荣誉或承认。

3. Credit towards:在某方面取得进展或得到承认。

4. In credit:信誉良好,表示某人或组织的信誉得到认可。

5. Credit to:归功于某人或某事。

6. Take credit for:因某成就或贡献而受到赞誉,表示某人为自己的成就或贡献感到自豪。

7. Credit rating:信用评级,表示评估个人或组织信用风险的过程和结果。
