let in中文翻译,let in是什么意思,let in发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-20 10:51小编

 let in中文翻译,let in是什么意思,let in发音、用法及例句

let in发音

英:  美:

let in中文意思翻译


容许; 加进; 让…进入; 把…降下

let in双语使用场景

1、He was finally let in the school of his choice.───他最终得以进入他所选择的学校.

2、He has not yet been let in on the bad news.───他还不知道这个不幸的消息。

3、The chinks in the cabin let in wind and snow.───小木屋中的裂缝让风和雪进来.

4、At last future developments of micron op let in microfluidic are prospected.───论文展望了微液滴的发展前景.

5、A dog scratched at the door to be let in.───狗嚓嚓地抓门要想进来.

6、The dog sat outside the door whining ( to be let in ).───那条狗坐在门外狺狺叫着 ( 要进来 ).

7、Better let in some fresh air.───最好放些新鲜空气进来.

8、The ruling party is likely to be opened up to let in people hitherto excluded.───执政党可能会放开政策,吸纳迄今被排斥在外的人士。

9、A tiny opening will let in a gust of wind.───针尖大的洞,也会刮进斗大的风.

10、Can you see it when I open the shutter to let in the light?───如果我打开百叶窗,让光线进来,你能看见吗?

11、No one would be let in without a ticket.───无票者一律不得入内.

12、Once the walls of the room are up, let in the ceiling.───房子四壁一旦支起来, 就把顶篷放下来安好.

13、Better open the window and let in some fresh air.───最好开窗放点新鲜空气进来.

14、For many centuries, nonphysical mathematics had been knocking at the door waiting to be let in.───非实体数学敲门等入已经有几个世纪了.

15、These shoes let in water, please repair them for me.───这些鞋进水, 请给我修补一下.

16、His misconduct let in a host of troubles.───他的不端行为招致不少麻烦.

17、The public are usually let in half an hour before the performance begins.───通常在演出前半小时让观众入场.

18、The windows were quickly opened, to let in a little fresh air.───窗户很快打开了,好让一点新鲜空气进入。

let in相似词语短语

1、lets in───让…进来;嵌入

2、get in───进入;到达;陷入;收获

3、set in───vi.开始;到来;流行

4、kept in───关在

5、let on───泄露;假装

6、let into───让…进入

7、lets on───泄露;假装

8、slept in───睡过头;迟起床

9、let rip───让感情等奔放;纵情欢乐;无拘无束行事;自由自在地行动




