air pressure中文翻译,air pressure是什么意思,air pressure发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-20 13:40小编

 air pressure中文翻译,air pressure是什么意思,air pressure发音、用法及例句

air pressure发音

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air pressure中文意思翻译




air pressure双语使用场景

1、The air pressure is low, weather is more sultry.───气压低, 天气较为闷热.

2、The simple pumps can work with the help of air pressure.───简单水泵借助于空气压力而工作.

3、More severe cases may be treated with a CPAP machine, so named because they maintain constant positive air pressure to the wind pipe to help users breathe easy at night.───一点的患者可能就得用CPAP机来治疗了,人们给它取这个名字是因为它能够给气管提供稳定的空气压力,借以帮助患者在夜间呼吸。

4、Air pressure type cooling device are optional parts by customers.───可依客户需求增设气冷式冷却设备.

5、Coolant temperature and ambient air pressure may be used to optimize cold starting and altitude performance.───冷却水温度和大气压力可用于使冷起动性能和高原性能最优化.

6、The answer has to do with air pressure and aerodynamics.───答案和气压及空气动力学有关.

7、Possibly there were slight differences in the air pressure.───可能是由于空气压力略有不同.

8、He recorded the temperature, air pressure, wind direction, and so on.───他记录了气温 、 气压 、 风向等等.

9、main factors that affect the pressure and temperature of the chambers can be summarized as air pressure and L/D.───影响腔室压力和温度的主要因素可以概括为气压和长度直径比。

10、The air pressure in your tires is too low.───你轮胎的气压太低了.

11、An alarm is generated of low purge air pressure.───净化空气压力过低时将会报警.

12、This difference in speed produces a difference in air pressure.───速度上的差异就产生了气压的差异.

13、The air pressure at the hot value inlet does not become excessively low.───在热风阀进口处的风压不要变得太低.

14、One of the interesting things about speech - and singing - is we go through a very complicated process so that we have an even air pressure in our lungs," Lieberman says.───一个有趣的有关说话和唱歌的事情,是我们通过一个非常复杂的过程,使得我们我们肺里的气压保持大体均衡,”利伯曼说。

15、Low air pressure makes people feel relaxed and creates forgetfulness.───低气压使人放松,令人容易健忘.

16、Air pressure, hydraulic pressure or electrical supply available to actuator.───执行机构所采用的气源压力, 液源压力,或电源.

17、Air pressure forces the water through the pipe.───空气压力使水通过管道.

18、No one is quite sure what drives these flip - flops in air pressure.───究竟是什么原因造成了气压的突变,目前尚无定论.

air pressure相似词语短语

1、face pressure───表面压力

2、tire pressure───胎压;轮胎气压;轮胎压力

3、back pressure───[机]背压;[力]回压;[内科]反压

4、vapor pressure───蒸汽压

5、more pressure───更大的压力

6、tire pressures───胎压;轮胎气压;轮胎压力

7、high pressure───高压,[气象]高气压;高度紧张

8、air pressures───气压;风压

9、oil pressure───[机]油压

air-pressure gauge是什么意思?

air-pressure gauge[er ˈprɛʃɚ ɡedʒ][医]气压计 双语例句1. Lack of feeded water, air leakage in the water piping or gauge. 注入水泵的水不够, 水管与仪表漏气.2. When the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air after a sound light gauge alarm function.当空气中一氧化碳浓度超限后有声光报警功能.
