social classes中文翻译,social classes是什么意思,social classes发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-20 14:11小编

 social classes中文翻译,social classes是什么意思,social classes发音、用法及例句

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social classes中文意思翻译



social classes双语使用场景

1、The main body of rural tourism in Song Dynasty, up to the emperor and down to the civilians, includes all the social classes.───宋代乡村旅游主体上至帝王,下至平民,社会各个阶层都积极参与其中。

2、The bipolar disease does not seem to discriminate on the basis of gender, age, race ethnic groups or social classes.───双极性疾病似乎不歧视性别,年龄,种族,族裔或社会阶层的基础上,。

3、Higher education is unequally distributed across social classes.───高等教育是不平等分配给各社会各阶层的。

4、We used to have lots of social classes back in the days when most of us were some kind of lower class.───回到过去的日子里,我们中的大多数人处于较低的社会阶级,社会分成很多的阶级。

5、"We may be able to relate it to changes in the social classes, " he told The Daily Telegraph, a British newspaper.───“我们也许能够涉及到的社会阶层的变化,”他告诉每日电讯报,英国报纸。

6、The "Affluent Middle Class Farmer" Social Class : It was one of the social classes classified in Chinese countryside in 1950s.───富裕中农是1950年代中国农村划分的阶级成分之一。

7、Yet I can't help concluding that the upper and upper-middle or "elite" social classes seem to be conspicuously absent.───然而我不得不得出以下结论:上层和中上层阶级,或者说是社会的“精英阶层”,似乎明显缺席。

8、Those social classes and benefit groups have different opinions on ever the same problem.───这些不同的社会阶层和利益群体即使在同一问题上的认识也不尽一致。

social classes相似词语短语

1、social climbers───想法挤入上流社会者,攀高枝者,巴结权贵向上爬的人(socialclimber的名词复数)

2、social chaos───社会混乱

3、second classes───(大学考试成绩)二等;二等舱;二流;(美)二等邮件(定期期刊等)

4、spectral classes───光谱型

5、social chapters───社会章节

6、social class───社会地位;社会阶级

7、opal glasses───[陶瓷]玻璃瓷;[玻璃]乳色玻璃

8、social change───社会变迁,社会变化

9、social chapter───社会分会


social 英[ˈsəʊʃl] 美[ˈsoʊʃl] adj. 社会的,社会上的; 交际的,社交的; 群居的; 合群的; n. 联谊会,联欢会; 社交聚会; [例句]Higher education is unequally distributed across social classes社会各个阶层享受高等教育的权利是不平等的。[其他] 复数:socials
