conflicts of interest中文翻译,conflicts of interest是什么意思,conflicts of interest发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-20 22:10小编

 conflicts of interest中文翻译,conflicts of interest是什么意思,conflicts of interest发音、用法及例句

conflicts of interest发音

英:  美:

conflicts of interest中文意思翻译


[经] 利害(益)冲突


conflicts of interest双语使用场景

1、Accordingly, an Employee should avoid all apparent, potential and actual conflicts of interest.───因此, 员工应避免任何显性的 、 隐性的、实质的利益冲突.

2、Village subjectivity is often mentioned in discussions when are conflicts of interest or competition over resources.───在利益冲突或资源竞夺时,往往也是部落主体被提出来讨论的时候.

3、Others complain about the conflicts of interest in management buy - outs.───或者仅仅是分散风险的聪明手段?

4、But the fashion is to avoid conflicts of interest.───但是面对这样的事情一贯的做法是避免利益的冲突.

5、Scientific fraud of any kind is intolerable. Conflicts of interest are inappropriate in any setting.───任何形式的科学欺诈都不可容忍, 任何情况下违背公众利益均不适当.

6、Recent experience suggests, as Kaufman foresaw, that are opaque, unmanageable and riddled with conflicts of interest.───我们近期获到的经验表明, 正如考夫曼所预见的那样, 这些机构不够透明 、 难以管理、内部充满利益冲突.

7、The Bundesbank is already subject to conflicts of interest over these bond purchases.───德国央行(Bundesbank)已经因购买这些债券而遭遇利益冲突.

conflicts of interest相似词语短语

1、flurry of interest───一阵兴趣

2、conflict of interest───利益冲突;公职人员对公众义务与其本身利益相冲突

3、unity of interest───共同之权益

4、unity of interests───利益统一

5、conflict of interests───利益冲突

6、commercial interest───商业利益

7、conflict of laws───法律之间矛盾,法律冲突

8、economic self-interest───经济自利

9、lack of interest───缺乏兴趣

2、英语投稿Conflict of Interest怎么写,在线等

向外文杂志投稿时,Conflict of interest statement可以按照如下格式写!

Conflict of interest statement

We declare that we have no financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that can inappropriately influence our work, there is no professional or other personal interest of any nature or kind in any product, service and/or company that could be construed as influencing the position presented in, or the review of, the manuscript entitled, “”


Conflict of Interest



Conflict of interest

The authors declared that they have no conflicts of interest to this work.

We declare that we do not have any commercial or associative interest

that represents a conflict of interest in connection with the work

