fishing rods中文翻译,fishing rods是什么意思,fishing rods发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-21 13:13小编

 fishing rods中文翻译,fishing rods是什么意思,fishing rods发音、用法及例句

fishing rods发音

英:  美:

fishing rods中文意思翻译


n.钓杆( fishing rod的名词复数 )


fishing rods双语使用场景

1、Hig A 3 - 5 model: combined 5 pen fishing rods with small tube wheel equipped with baking switch.───海哥A3-5型,就是5节钢笔竿与带刹车开关的小鼓轮配套的钢笔式渔竿套装.

2、The use of motorboats, nets and fishing rods, and sonar equipment allows for overexploitation to occur.───使用汽艇, 蚊帐和钓鱼竿, 和声纳设备,可以过度发生.

3、fishing rods and see what you can "catch" from the other aisles.───鱼竿,看看能从其他柜台钓些什么。

4、OK. Are there any fishing rods available?───好的. 有鱼竿出租 吗 ?

5、Paul took some fishing rods, and they all went down to the brook to fish.───保罗拿来一些钓鱼竿,他们都去小溪边钓鱼。

6、Farmers were positioned along the banks holding fishing rods.───农民们被安排在河边用鱼竿钓鱼.

7、Are there any fishing rods available?───有鱼竿出租 吗 ?

8、We also always get coolers and fishing rods, he said.───我们也始终得到冷却器和鱼竿的,他说。

fishing rods相似词语短语

1、fishing nets───渔网;鱼网

2、fishing rod───n.(有绕线轮的)钓鱼竿

3、casting rods───铸棒

4、fishing ports───[水运]渔港

5、fishing grounds───渔场

6、fishing boat───渔船

7、fishing poles───n.(美)钓鱼竿


9、fishing boats───渔船

Peter and Leonard use fishing rods

