compound interest中文翻译,compound interest是什么意思,compound interest发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-21 22:06小编

 compound interest中文翻译,compound interest是什么意思,compound interest发音、用法及例句

compound interest发音

英:  美:

compound interest中文意思翻译


复利; 复息


compound interest双语使用场景

1、Consider paying interest on money children save at home; children can help calculate the interest and see how fast money accumulates through the power of compound interest.───考虑给孩子们在家的储蓄支付利息;孩子可以帮着计算利息也看看钱是怎么通过复利快速积攒起来的。

2、Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe.───“-AlbertEinstein”复息利率是宇宙中最强大的力量.

3、You started too late: The magic of compound interest works best over long periods of time.───开始得太晚: 复利的神奇收效要经过相当长的一段时间才能看到.

4、Your subconscious mind will give you compound interest in all these fields of expression.───你的潜意识将会为你带来所有这些领域的复合利息。

5、A process whereby the value of an investment increases exponentially over time because of compound interest.───指投资的价值因复利作用而增长的过程.

6、The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest.───宇宙中最强大的力就是利滚利.

7、Buffett's investment success is because of compound interest, rather than because such profits Zijin Mining.───巴菲特的投资之所以成功是因为复利, 而不是因为有紫金矿业这样的暴利.

8、Forestry produces cycle to grow, capital takes up must inspect accrual, and want computational compound interest.───林业生产周期长, 资金占用必须考察利息, 而且要计算复利.

9、If you do not pay on time, compound interest will be charged interest.───如果不按时交纳, 将按复利收取利息.

10、In equivalence of the fund the basic calculating method has simple interest and compound interest law.───资金等值计算基本方法有单利法和复利法两种.

11、Americans don't study it as intensely and they don't really understand the benefits of compound interest.───美国人不愿意去学习它,他们也不也了解复利的好处.

12、A savings account is an excellent way to learn about the power of compound interest.───储蓄存款帐户是个非常好的方法来,可以让他们了解复利的魅力.

13、A savings account is an excellent way to about the power of compound interest.───存款帐户就是一种很好的方法使他们了解复利的作用.

14、As Einstein put it, compound interest is the " eighth wonder of the world. "───爱因斯坦曾经说过:利滚利是 “ 世界上的第八奇迹 ”.

15、If you combine that with Asia's surpluses and the marvels of compound interest, you soon get to some large Numbers.───如果你把它和亚洲的顺差和美妙的复利率结合起来,你很快就能得到一个巨大的数字。

16、Knowledge and productivity are like compound interest.───知识和生产力好比是复利.

compound interest相似词语短语

1、compound engines───复合式发动机

2、compound meter───复合流量计

3、compound sentences───复合句

4、common interest───共同利益

5、compound eyes───(昆虫的)[昆]复眼

6、compound times───复拍子,复合拍子

7、compound interests───[金融]复利


表示复利的缩写是CI。复利(Compound Interest),是指在计算利息时,某一计息周期的利息是由本金加上先前周期所积累利息总额来计算的计息方式,也即通常所说的"利生利","利滚利
