allocative efficiency(allocation efficiency中文翻译,allocation efficiency是什么意思,allocation efficiency发音、

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 allocative efficiency(allocation efficiency中文翻译,allocation efficiency是什么意思,allocation efficiency发音、

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allocation efficiency双语使用场景

1、The evolution of industrial structure will improve the allocation efficiency of production factors.───还得出了随着产业机构优化,将提高生产要素的配置效率.

2、Can the Increase in the Market Information Efficiency Improve the Capital Allocation Efficiency?───市场信息效率的提高会改善资源配置效率 吗 ?

3、So the problem of improved the capital allocation efficiency is too impatient to wait.───因此提高资本配置效率已是亟待解决的问题。

4、The optimization of industrial structure will improve the allocation efficiency of production factors.───通过产业结构优化,提高西部对生产要素的配置效率.

5、Improve the effective transformation from savings to investment. 3. Improve the resource allocation efficiency.───提高储蓄向投资的有效转化3 .提高生产率和资源配置效率。

6、However, it is not satisfactory in the stock market in terms of the capital allocation efficiency.───但从股票市场本身的资本配置效率来讲, 并不能令人满意.

7、The stock market resource allocation efficiency depend on how to solve these two problem.───股票市场资源配置效率的高低,取决于市场中这两个问题的严重程度。

allocation efficiency相似词语短语

1、correlation coefficients───相关系数

2、economic efficiency───经济效率

3、absorption coefficients───吸收系数

4、absorption coefficient───吸收系数

5、aerodynamic efficiency───气动效率;空气动力效率

6、volumetric efficiency───n.容积效率,体积效率,组装体积效率

7、heat efficiency───[热]热效率;热吸率

8、radiant efficiency───n.辐射效率,辐射发光效率

9、electrode efficiency───电极效率


( 3 ) land transferring market is posed of the whole land transaction relations

( 3 )土地流转的 交易关系 总和构成了土地流转市场。

To meet the need of electronic merce , it also claims to expand itself to electronic contract

同时,合同法作为调整 交易关系 的基本法,其必然要求将自身扩展到网络空间。

And for the contract law which adjusts civil trading relationship , it has a more directly impact

合同法作为调整商品 交易关系 的基本法律,电子商务对其影响是重大而又深远的。

4 . there ' s a significant dissimilarity in sustainable development among different types id . 5

基于不同集聚的特色工业园区的可持续发展潜力有显著性差别, 交易关系 型园区可持续发展指标较高。

As the transaction relationship , the institution is the oute of people ' s selections and defines the domain of selections

制度作为一种 交易关系 既是人们选择的结果,又界定了人们选择的范围。

If the farmers are organized , they can affect the decision - making of government and can obtain equivalent status in market when they negotiate with firms

农民实现组织化就可以影响 *** 决策,在市场 交易关系 上就可以和企业有对等的谈判地位。

Hidden guaranty endorsement usually does not have true relation of business beeen creditor and debtor , but endorser cannot refuse to undertake the bill duty

隐存保证背书通常没有真实的 交易关系 和债权债务关系,但背书人不得因此拒绝承担票据责任。

However , the laws in our country did not have a clear picture about it , while the scholars were reluctant and rare to talk about this topic in relevant research

出于对国家和社会公共利益的保护,合同法规定了无效合同制度,尽管如此,该制度与合同法鼓励交易、维护 交易关系 稳定的宗旨并不违背。

Article 10 the issue , acquisition and negotiation of an instrument shall follow the principle of good faith and reflect the true relationship of transaction and beeen the creditor and the debtor

第十条票据的签发、取得和转让,应当遵循诚实信用的原则,具有真实的 交易关系 和债权债务关系。

With the increase of the manufacturer and retailer ' s quantity , the transaction relationship will be very intricate . this thesis solves the problem by adopting the knowledge of work flows

随着制造商和分销商个数的增加,他们之间的 交易关系 将变得异常复杂,本文利用网络流知识解决了他们之间的产品配送问题。

This chapter considers that the factors that include cooperative desire , bepef , collaboration and information share beeen manufacturer and his dealers are needed to construct the partner type relation

基于此,生产企业对与其发生直接 交易关系 的经销商进行有效的绩效管理有助于构建厂商之间的长期稳定的战略伙伴关系。

In chapter 7 , the thesis discusses the relationship of one manufacturer and o retailers from three respects , and gives the optimal quantity of production and demand according to an example

第七章从一个制造商和两个分销商的 交易关系 出发,从三个角度分析了供销双方之间的关系,通过例子,确定了他们之间的最优生产、需求数量。

3 . there ' s a significant different among different types industry district , the " business relationship " type ' s id owes more social capital , sourcing abipty and market - oriented

基于不同集聚的特色工业园区内部企业联系和资源筹措能力有显著性差别, 交易关系 型园区内部企业之间关联程度较高,资源筹措能力和市场导向程度较强。

The institution from the view of the new institutional economics is the behavior regulation , standard , stable habitude or ideologies which can constraint , encourage and coordinate the transaction relationship beeen human

新制度经济学意义下的“制度”是指约束、激励或协调人与人之间 交易关系 的行为规则、规范、稳定的习俗习惯或意识形态。

It ’ s not isolated of course , so maybe we should amend lex lata from the angle of rules on international trade . and adapt it to adjust the relation of virtual property trade , especially the multinational virtual property trade

这种新的现象和社会关系并不是孤立的,我们是否应该从国际交易规则的角度对现行法律进行修改,使之能够更为恰当地调整虚拟财产 交易关系 ,特别是跨国的虚拟财产交易关系。

The dissertation carries through all - around scan and anatomy to the coal industry from market structure , market conduct and market performance and the goal of optimizing coal industrial organization , estabpshes the theory of optimizing coal industrial organization . 2

2 、基于煤炭产业组织优化的根本问题是解决煤炭产业市场结构问题的认识,对煤炭产业市场结构进行了深入的研究,建立了煤炭市场 交易关系 模型。

Improve the construction of sincere system has already bee the first task . the research of good faith question of our country began in 1979 , which is also the beginning of reform and open popcy . zhang weiying is one of scholars who study sincerity

在市场上,交易的各方是分散的利益主体,其 交易关系 建立在平等的契约基础上,交易的时候会面临不同的交易条件,由于信息不对称和交易主体的机会主义行为,可能导致欺诈行为的产生。

In the market set , o partner enterprises in a strategic alpance make a contract that defines tae o enterprises are still independent of each other instead of merger . at the same time , owing to the alpance , they are much closer than other enterprises in the set

组建战略联盟的企业之间是市场 *** 中的一种契约关系,这种关系使得双方仍然是市场 交易关系 ,而并没有合并成一企业,但是同时又超越常规的交易关系,因为它削弱了企业边界。

Acting as a relational contract , the relationship beeen sister cities is an effective institution which can promote inter - regional economic transactions since it can decrease the transaction cost of the inter - region economy trade connection and promote the development of jiangsu ' s open economy

友好城市关系作为一种关系型契约,是一种促进地区间经济 交易关系 有力的制度安排,其有力地降低了发展地区之间经贸关系的交易成本,促进了开放型经济的发展。

In this way , the thesis *** yse how the division of labour leads to martet system . in accordance with this thesis , martet system is not only a social instrument of resourse allocation , but also a institution arrangement that deals with people ' s transaction relationship , interest argument and the efficiency of transction and production

(马克思, 1845 ,中译本,第26页)循着这样的思路,本文首先分析了劳动分工如何诱致了市场经济制度,按照本文的观点,市场经济制度不仅仅是一种配置资源的社会工具,更是建立在劳动分工基础上的处理人与人 交易关系 、利益纠纷,提高交易效率和生产效率的一种制度安排。

Taking tortious pabipty for the legal ground of remedies on private right of securities fraud is helpful to overe the locapzation of contractual pabipty , extending the scope of pable subjects from both sides of contract to the third party . at the same time , tortious pabipty bases on violating legal obpgation , and mainly leads to responsibipty for losses , which make it more propitious to protect investors " rights and interests roundly

以侵权责任作为证券欺诈私权救济的法律基础,有助于克服合同责任相对性造成的局限,将责任主体的范围扩展到直接 交易关系 以外的第三人;同时,它以违反法定义务为依据,以损失赔偿为主要的责任承担方式,也有利于全面保护投资者权益。

Strategic partnerships in supply chain can been seen as a kind of virtual integrated strategic alpance based on core petence . as a form of organizations beeen arm - length market transaction and vertical integration , its existence can reduce transaction costs by contrast with the other forms ( relationships of market transaction , group of firms , and vertical integration )

供应链战略伙伴关系是一种基于核心竞争力的虚拟一体化战略联盟形式,与企业间其他的关系(市场 交易关系 、企业集团模式和企业一体化模式)有着很大的区别:作为介于市场交易和纵向一体化之间的一种中间组织形态,其存在能够节约交易费用。

In addition , to study the issues in transaction , such as non - price petition , long - term cooperation , transaction stabipty control , team organization , etc . , it is necessary to study the process and principle of contracting , transaction organizing and game structure etc . in detail

为了更好地解释各种贸易现象,如非价格性竞争、长期 交易关系 的形成、交易的稳定性控制、交易团队的组织原则,等等,还需要研究以契约(或合同)形成为标志的交易形成原则、过程及交易活动的组织和博弈等问题。

Modern enterprise theory which emphasizes contracts " quapties of enterprise , inpleteness " quapties of contracts and significance of enterprise " ownership caused from these , tells us that enterprise is nothing but the organic nexus of a series of inplete contracts , and that enterprise is a kind of manner of deapng property right among people and is also a kind of nexus of deapng relationship among people

现代企业理论告诉我们企业无非是一系列不完全契约(合同)的有机组合( nexusofinpletecontracts ) ,是人们之间交易产权的一种方式,也是一种人与人之间 交易关系 的组合,它强调企业的契约性、契约的不完全性以及由此导致的企业所有权的重要性。

On the one hand , the industrial organizational optimum and the industrial intensivi *** is the result of enterprises " self - organization , in the process of pursuing profits , under the regulation of " the invisible hand " , enterprises continually enlarge their scale , enhance efficiency and promote the concentration of production . moreover they harmonize their relations through building big corporations and estabpshing long - term deapng relation ; on the other hand , the relations beeen enterprises of one certain industry , namely , industrial organization may be optimum ( as available petition ) , may be not ( as excessive petition and high monopoly )

一方面,产业组织优化和产业集约发展是企业自组织的结果,企业追求自身利益的过程中,在“看不见的手”的调节下不断扩大企业规模,提高效率,推动着生产的集中,并通过组建企业集团或通过企业间确立长期 交易关系 协调了企业间关系;另一方面,由企业自组织力量推动形成的特定产业中的企业与企业间的关系,即产业组织,可能是优化的(如有效竞争) ,也可能是劣化的(如过度竞争和高度垄断) 。

The general thought of the paper is : firstly stating various kinds of marketing binatorial theories in the order of time , on this basis , bining the fact that marketing trade means changes from specific trade way to work trade way , then inferring its intrinsic logic of the development of marketing binatorial theories , that is the concept that focuses on the short - term relative changes into it that focuses on the long - term relative

本文的大体思路首先按时间顺序对各种营销组合理论进行评述,并在此基础上,结合营销交易方式由个别交易方式向网络交易方式的转变,推断出营销组合理论演变的内在逻辑是营销理念由注重短期 交易关系 转变为注重长期交易关系。

This paper , starting with the categorization of the enterprise law , discusses the differences beeen the economic law and the mercial law , arguing that , while both are meant for regulating trade relationships , the former belongs to the category of pubpc law and the latter to private law ; the o differ from each other in their legislative principles , tes , foci and frameworks

摘要本文以企业法的归属为切入点,分析了经济法与商法的区别,指出:经济法与商法都调整 交易关系 ,但前者主要是公法,后者主要是私法,两者在原则、宗旨、中心、体系上均存在显著区别。

Resource type of both enterprise and the focus of strategy development decide preference of participator in the future alpance gradation of enterprise strategy and different bination of resource type decide the alpance type of strategy . beside the system of self improvement and form the control structure to adjust alpance activities and business relationship

企业之间双方所拥有的资源类型和企业发展的焦点,决定了预期联盟中参与者的偏好,企业战略层次和资源类型的不同组合决定了战略联盟的类型,此外自我实施机制和惩罚机制组成了调节联合行为和 交易关系 的规制结构。
