a grain of中文翻译,a grain of是什么意思,a grain of发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-22 07:17小编

 a grain of中文翻译,a grain of是什么意思,a grain of发音、用法及例句

a grain of发音

英:  美:

a grain of中文意思翻译



粒; 一点点, 一些

a grain of双语使用场景

1、There's more than a grain of truth in that.───其中含有很深刻的道理。

2、There is a grain of sand in his eye.───他眼里有一粒沙子.

3、You should take what he says with a grain of salt.───你对他讲的话不可尽信.

4、The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong, a contemporary Chinese sculptor, is the world's smallest piece of sculpture, its size being just four - fifths that of a grain of rice.───中国当代雕刻工艺师沈为众雕刻的象牙佛像是世界上最小的雕刻.这个象牙佛像只有一粒米的 五分之四 大.

5、We take his predictions with a grain of salt.───我们不完全相信他的预测.

6、There's more than a grain of truth in that.───其中包含不少真理。

7、He can't take it with a grain of salt.───他办此事不能打折扣.

8、What he said should always be taken with a grain of salt.───他的说法还不能全信.

9、The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong is the world's smallest piece of sculpture, its size being just four-fifths of a grain of rice.───沈为众雕刻的象牙佛像是世界上最小的雕刻,它只有一粒米的五分之四大。

10、You mustn't waste a grain of rice.───你不能浪费一粒米.

11、The little bird is eating a grain of rice.───这只小鸟正在吃一粒米.

12、His statement must be taken with a grain of salt.───他的话不能全信.

13、isn't a grain of truth in those rumours.───那些谣传一点也不可靠。

14、Take his words with a grain of salt. He always exaggerates.───对他的话要打折扣听. 他总爱夸张.

15、a grain of sand───一粒沙子

16、a grain of rice───一粒大米

17、Our observations may contain a grain of truth for you to refer to.───我们的意见也许会有千虑一得之处,供你参考.

18、A grain of sand made my right eye tear.───一粒沙子弄得我右眼淌泪.

a grain of相似词语短语

1、to gain on───获得

2、on pain of───违者以…论处

3、to rain off───雨过天晴

4、bargain on───成交;商定;指望

5、drain off───渐渐枯竭;把…排出去;排除

6、make certain of───把…了解清楚;弄明白

7、gain on───逼近;超过;侵蚀

8、rain off───因下雨而取消,因雨中断

9、to drain off───排出

2、a grain of salt典故?

a grain of salt意思是用怀疑的态度看待某事,或不按字面意思去理解某事。关于这个俚语来源其实有两个版本,第一个说法,最早记录于古罗马作家Pliny the Elder所著作的《Naturalis Historia》,相传当年有一种剧毒的解药被发现了,而解毒剂的主要成分居然只是盐,致命毒药带来的威胁居然被\"一粒盐\"解决了,总让人感到怀疑。


到底是那个故事创造了这个俚语,现在已经无法确定,而我们可以确定的是,后人把Grain of salt用来描述\"一些不靠谱的,值得怀疑的事\"。
