动物爱好者(animal lovers中文翻译,animal lovers是什么意思,animal lovers发音、用法及例句)

日记&经验2024-04-22 08:44小编

 动物爱好者(animal lovers中文翻译,animal lovers是什么意思,animal lovers发音、用法及例句)

animal lovers发音

英:  美:

animal lovers中文意思翻译



animal lovers双语使用场景

1、Britain proudly proclaims that it is a nation of animal lovers.───英国自豪地宣称它是个热爱动物的国家。

2、For those of you animal lovers, you can see a few pictures of her on my blog's "about me" page (just scroll down the page a bit).───你们中的动物爱好者可以从我的博客“关于我”的页面看到她的一些照片(只要把那页下拉一点)。

3、animal lovers, the government relented and said it would not gift a baby elephant to Armenia, it was reported.───在印度爱好动物人士奔走四个月后,政府起了怜悯之心,表示不会将一只小象当作礼物送给亚美尼亚,报导指出。

4、For animal lovers there's no place better to see native Australian animals and birds in their natural habitat.───对于动物爱好者而言,来这里看原生态环境下的飞禽走兽可是不二之选。

5、Fortunately for Li, other animal lovers help fund his dog shelter.───幸运的是,有很多动物爱好者来帮助他一起经营这个狗狗收容所。

6、All animal lovers will love this book.───所有的动物爱好者一定会喜欢这本书。

7、Animal lovers are waging a war against the company since news of its intention to go public got out.───自该公司打算上市的消息传出后,动物爱好者群起而攻之。

8、Rangers at the Gloucestershire beauty spot warn that animal lovers should beware because boar can be aggressive and cause serious injury.───格洛斯特郡的风景名胜区的流浪者提醒喜欢动物的人们要小心一点,因为野猪是有攻击性的,会对人们造成很大的伤害。

9、All of us who are animal lovers can relate to what it would feel like to be reunited with a pet after a disaster.───所有日本人都是动物爱好者,我们能够体会得到,大灾过后能够与宠物团圆,感觉是多么的美好!

animal lovers相似词语短语

1、animal crackers───动物形脆饼干


3、animal shelters───动物收容所



6、animal lover───动物爱好者

7、animal protein───动物蛋白

8、air covers───空中掩护;空军掩护

9、animal wardens───动物管理员


Today is Children's Day.I get up early.My sister and I have breakfast and then we go shopping.We buy many food and toys.At lunch time we have a picnic in a beautiful park.In the afternoon,we see a film.We invite our friends and have a party at my home.We are all happy today!
