if so什么意思中文(if so中文翻译,if so是什么意思,if so发音、用法及例句)

日记&经验2024-04-22 10:40小编

 if so什么意思中文(if so中文翻译,if so是什么意思,if so发音、用法及例句)

if so发音

英:  美:

if so中文意思翻译



if so双语使用场景

1、If so, you will oblige me by saying what it is.───如果是这样,请你告诉我这是怎么回事。

2、If so, your points of view are bound to conflict with his.───如果这样的话, 你的观点一定会和他的起冲突.

3、If so, it possessed muscles of a quite miraculous quality.───果真如此的话, 它所长的肌肉当具有不可思议的素质.

4、If so, you are a true child of fortune.───如果是这样,你真是个幸运的孩子。

5、If so, the subject of the solution of equations will recede into the background.───如果这样, 方程求解的课题就会失去重要性.

6、If so, satiation is said to exist.───如果这样, 则可以认为存在着餍足情况.

7、Do you have a knack for coming up with ideas? If so, we would love to hear from you.───你有什么能想出好点子的诀窍吗?如果有,我们很愿意收到你的来信。

8、If so, he would at any rate be able to deliver the cockchafer speech.───若是那样, 他无论如何也要把那一番骂人的话发泄出来.

9、If so, please quote your lowest price.───如果可以, 请报出最低价.

10、They think she may try to phone. If so, someone must stay here.───他们认为她可能来电话. 要是这样的话, 就得有人守在这儿.

11、If so, what is the average speed limit?───如果有, 平均速度限制是 多少 ?

12、If so, breakdown of their flight muscles may prevent them reaching their destiny.───即使如此, 飞翔肌肉的衰竭,可防止它们再次迁飞.

13、If so , I deserve the sorrows and vexations which my disagreeable nature brings down upon me.───那我之种种不惬于人意而得来烦恼和伤心,也是应该的.

14、I'll save your life - if so be as I can - from them.───只要我能做得到,我一定将你从他们手中救出来.

15、If so, how would that affect his plea of a change of his heart?───要是这样, 他那个回心转意的托词会不会受到影响 呢 ?

16、If so, the court would have to " give effect to the unambiguously expressed intent of Congress. "───如果说到过, 法院就会 “ 实行明确表达的国会的意图 ”.

17、If so, they had better get their skates on.───如果果真是这样,那他们最好穿上旱冰鞋。

18、If so you will report for duty in accordance with the instructions you have received.───那么你们将根据收到的指示报到.

if so相似词语短语

1、if poss───如果可能

2、or so───大约,左右



5、if not───如果不;不然的话

6、of sorts───各种各样的

7、how so───为何如此?

if so中文是什么意思?

您好!"if so"是英语中的短语,意思是如果是这样的话。它通常用于回应之前提到的某个条件或情况。

在对话中,当提到一种情况或条件,接着询问是否为真或持续存在时,我们可以使用"if so"来引导下一步的讨论或行动。

