human resources中文翻译,human resources是什么意思,human resources发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-22 18:56小编

 human resources中文翻译,human resources是什么意思,human resources发音、用法及例句

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human resources中文意思翻译



human resources双语使用场景

1、The assistance human resources department processes some personnel service.───协助人事部处理一些人事工作.

2、Tianjin human resources information network.───天津人才信息网.

3、The reasonable disposition of human resources is the guarantee of the long prosperity of enterprise.───知识经济时代,人力资源的合理配置是企业长盛不衰的保证.

4、This country is short of natural resources but rich in human resources.───这个国家缺乏自然资源, 却有着丰富的人力资源。

5、Consequently, human resources management strategy is very important for the Southadministrating department.───因此, 研究临管处的人力资源管理战略就显得十分必要.

6、I shall inform Human Resources as soon as practicable of any changes to the data.───本人同意上述资料如有任何变更,亦会及时通知人力资源部以作更改.

7、Powerful human resources flow flowcapital flow and trade flow have integrated and cohered all around.───强大的人才流、信息流、资金流、贸易流全方位交汇贯通.

8、Attendance Tracking Management is an integral part of effective human resources management.───考勤管理是有效人力资源管理的重要环节.

9、To help the Human Resources Manager for increasing the efficiency of administration of HR.───协助人力资源部经理提高人力资源部工作的高效性.

10、Professionals resorted to variations and experimentation utilizing a variety of human resources, according to availability.───根据可用性,利用不同人员, 专业人员经常进行实验.

11、Half of dozon sponsors had pledged more than $ 300,000 to back the Human Resources Corporation.───六个赞助者担保了三十万元
